Re: [ 00/10] [Suspend2] Modules support.

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Hi Oliver.

On Friday 03 February 2006 11:48, Olivier Galibert wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 05:29:40PM -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> > Follow up - do we have a rough idea how bad the suspend problem is, like
> > approximately what % of laptops don't DTRT and just suspend when you
> > close the lid?
> None of the Dells we use at work (various models) handle suspend (both
> ram and disk) reliably.  Got everything from not resuming when pushing
> the button (PWRF not giving an ACPI event while PWRC does), screen not
> coming back (as usual), system not coming back the second time (go
> figure) or resume eating up / from time to time.  At that point people
> there are buying Macs.

Not coming back the second time usually means it staggers through the first 
dazed and confused, but not badly enough so that you notice. The second 
attempt kills it. In this case, I'd go looking for something that plays up 
after the first resume. You might also try some of the hints on the suspend2 
web site, such as trying from init S with minimal modules loaded. (If that 
works, you know it's something loaded later in the boot process that messes 
things up).

> I'm going to get a sacrificial (but modern) dell laptop in a month or
> two.  I'll try to make things actually reliable on that one, including
> video.  I don't have great hopes though.

If you can't get it to go, try the suspend2 mailing list. I try to be as 
helpful as I can, and there are tons of users on there with good suggestions 
and experience you can make use of as well.

> 'course the current state of the drm/fb interaction is yet another can
> of worms, one in a good way of being solved though.

Yes. You'll have much better success without DRI in the picture.



>   OG.
> [1] Reverse engineering is one of my hobbies
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