PATCH: Remove unused code from rioboot

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Signed-off-by: Alan Cox <[email protected]>

diff -u --new-file --recursive --exclude-from /usr/src/exclude linux.vanilla-2.6.15-git12/drivers/char/rio/rioinit.c linux-2.6.15-git12/drivers/char/rio/rioinit.c
--- linux.vanilla-2.6.15-git12/drivers/char/rio/rioinit.c	2006-01-16 14:17:08.000000000 +0000
+++ linux-2.6.15-git12/drivers/char/rio/rioinit.c	2006-01-16 16:23:09.574952384 +0000
@@ -87,222 +87,8 @@
 int RIOPCIinit(struct rio_info *p, int Mode);
-#if 0
-static void RIOAllocateInterrupts(struct rio_info *);
-static int RIOReport(struct rio_info *);
-static void RIOStopInterrupts(struct rio_info *, int, int);
 static int RIOScrub(int, BYTE *, int);
-#if 0
-extern int	rio_intr();
-**	Init time code.
-rioinit( p, info )
-struct rio_info		* p;
-struct RioHostInfo	* info;
-	/*
-	** Multi-Host card support - taking the easy way out - sorry !
-	** We allocate and set up the Host and Port structs when the
-	** driver is called to 'install' the first host.
-	** We check for this first 'call' by testing the RIOPortp pointer.
-	*/
-	if ( !p->RIOPortp )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Allocating and setting up driver data structures\n");
-		RIOAllocDataStructs(p);		/* allocate host/port structs */
-		RIOSetupDataStructs(p);		/* setup topology structs */
-	}
-	RIOInitHosts( p, info );	/* hunt down the hardware */
-	RIOAllocateInterrupts(p);	/* allocate interrupts */
-	RIOReport(p);			/* show what we found */
-** Initialise the Cards 
-RIOInitHosts(p, info)
-struct rio_info		* p;
-struct RioHostInfo	* info;
-** 15.10.1998 ARG - ESIL 0762 part fix
-** If there is no ISA card definition - we always look for PCI cards.
-** As we currently only support one host card this lets an ISA card
-** definition take precedence over PLUG and PLAY.
-** No ISA card - we are PLUG and PLAY with PCI.
-	/*
-	** Note - for PCI both these will be zero, that's okay because
-	** RIOPCIInit() fills them in if a card is found.
-	*/
-	p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec	= info->vector;
-	p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP	= info->location;
-	/*
-	** Check that we are able to accommodate another host
-	*/
-	if ( p->RIONumHosts >= RIO_HOSTS )
-	{
-		p->RIOFailed++;
-		return;
-	}
-	if ( info->bus & ISA_BUS )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "initialising card %d (ISA)\n", p->RIONumHosts);
-		RIOISAinit(p, p->mode);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "initialising card %d (PCI)\n", p->RIONumHosts);
-	}
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Total hosts initialised so far : %d\n", p->RIONumHosts);
-	if (p->bus & EISA_BUS)
-		/* EISA card */
-	if (p->bus & MCA_BUS)
-		/* MCA card */
-** go through memory for an AT host that we pass in the device info
-** structure and initialise
-RIOISAinit(p, mode)
-struct rio_info *	p;
-int					mode;
-  /* XXX Need to implement this. */
-#if 0
-	p->intr_tid = iointset(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec,
-					(int (*)())rio_intr, (char*)p->RIONumHosts);
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Set interrupt handler, intr_tid = 0x%x\n", p->intr_tid );
-	if (RIODoAT(p, p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP, mode)) {
-		return;
-	}
-	else {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIODoAT failed\n");
-		p->RIOFailed++;
-	}
-** RIODoAT :
-** Map in a boards physical address, check that the board is there,
-** test the board and if everything is okay assign the board an entry
-** in the Rio Hosts structure.
-RIODoAT(p, Base, mode)
-struct rio_info *	p;
-int		Base;
-int		mode;
-#define	FOUND		1
-#define NOT_FOUND	0
-	caddr_t		cardAddr;
-	/*
-	** Check to see if we actually have a board at this physical address.
-	*/
-	if ((cardAddr = RIOCheckForATCard(Base)) != 0) {
-		/*
-		** Now test the board to see if it is working.
-		*/
-		if (RIOBoardTest(Base, cardAddr, RIO_AT, 0) == RIO_SUCCESS) {
-			/*
-			** Fill out a slot in the Rio host structure.
-			*/
-			if (RIOAssignAT(p, Base, cardAddr, mode)) {
-				return(FOUND);
-			}
-		}
-		RIOMapout(Base, RIO_AT_MEM_SIZE, cardAddr);
-	}
-	return(NOT_FOUND);
-int		Base;
-	int				off;
-	struct DpRam	*cardp;		/* (Points at the host) */
-	caddr_t			virtAddr;
-	unsigned char			RIOSigTab[24];
-** Table of values to search for as prom signature of a host card
-	/*
-	** Hey! Yes, You reading this code! Yo, grab a load a this:
-	**
-	** IF the card is using WORD MODE rather than BYTE MODE
-	** then it will occupy 128K of PHYSICAL memory area. So,
-	** you might think that the following Mapin is wrong. Well,
-	** it isn't, because the SECOND 64K of occupied space is an
-	** EXACT COPY of the FIRST 64K. (good?), so, we need only
-	** map it in in one 64K block.
-	*/
-	if (RIOMapin(Base, RIO_AT_MEM_SIZE, &virtAddr) == -1) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO-init: Couldn't map the board in!\n");
-		return((caddr_t)0);
-	}
-	/*
-	** virtAddr points to the DP ram of the system.
-	** We now cast this to a pointer to a RIO Host,
-	** and have a rummage about in the PROM.
-	*/
-	cardp = (struct DpRam *)virtAddr;
-	for (off=0; RIOSigTab[off]; off++) {
-		if ((RBYTE(cardp->DpSignature[off]) & 0xFF) != RIOSigTab[off]) {
-			/*
-			** Signature mismatch - card not at this address
-			*/
-			RIOMapout(Base, RIO_AT_MEM_SIZE, virtAddr);
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO-init: Couldn't match the signature 0x%x 0x%x!\n",
-						(int)cardp, off);
-			return((caddr_t)0);
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	** If we get here then we must have found a valid board so return
-	** its virtual address.
-	*/
-	return(virtAddr);
 ** RIOAssignAT :
@@ -367,667 +153,6 @@
 	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO-init: Tests Passed at 0x%x\n", Base);
-#if 0
-int RIOMCAinit(int Mode)
-	uchar SlotNumber;
-	caddr_t Caddr;
-	uint	Paddr;
-	uint	Ivec;
-	int	 Handle;
-	int	 ret = 0;
-	/*
-	** Valid mode information for MCA cards
-	** is only FAST LINKS
-	*/
-	Mode = (Mode & FAST_LINKS) ? McaTpFastLinks : McaTpSlowLinks;
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIOMCAinit(%d)\n",Mode);
-	/*
-	** Check out each of the slots
-	*/
-	for (SlotNumber = 0; SlotNumber < McaMaxSlots; SlotNumber++) {
-	/*
-	** Enable the slot we want to talk to
-	*/
-	outb( McaSlotSelect, SlotNumber | McaSlotEnable );
-	/*
-	** Read the ID word from the slot
-	*/
-	if (((inb(McaIdHigh)<< 8)|inb(McaIdLow)) == McaRIOId)
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Potential MCA card in slot %d\n", SlotNumber);
-		/*
-		** Card appears to be a RIO MCA card!
-		*/
-		RIOMachineType |= (1<<RIO_MCA);
-		/*
-		** Just check we haven't found too many wonderful objects
-		*/
-		if ( RIONumHosts >= RIO_HOSTS )
-		{
-		Rprintf(RIOMesgTooManyCards);
-		return(ret);
-		}
-		/*
-		** McaIrqEnable contains the interrupt vector, and a card
-		** enable bit.
-		*/
-		Ivec = inb(McaIrqEnable);
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Ivec is %x\n", Ivec);
-		switch ( Ivec & McaIrqMask )
-		{
-		case McaIrq9:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ9\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq3:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ3\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq4:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ4\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq7:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ7\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq10:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ10\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq11:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ11\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq12:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ12\n");
-		break;
-		case McaIrq15:
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "IRQ15\n");
-		break;
-		}
-		/*
-		** If the card enable bit isn't set, then set it!
-		*/
-		if ((Ivec & McaCardEnable) != McaCardEnable) {
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "McaCardEnable not set - setting!\n");
-			outb(McaIrqEnable,Ivec|McaCardEnable);
-		} else
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "McaCardEnable already set\n");
-		/*
-		** Convert the IRQ enable mask into something useful
-		*/
-		Ivec = RIOMcaToIvec[Ivec & McaIrqMask];
-		/*
-		** Find the physical address
-		*/
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "inb(McaMemory) is %x\n", inb(McaMemory));
-		Paddr = McaAddress(inb(McaMemory));
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "MCA card has Ivec %d Addr %x\n", Ivec, Paddr);
-		if ( Paddr != 0 )
-		{
-		/*
-		** Tell the memory mapper that we want to talk to it
-		*/
-		Handle = RIOMapin( Paddr, RIO_MCA_MEM_SIZE, &Caddr );
-		if ( Handle == -1 ) {
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Couldn't map %d bytes at %x\n", RIO_MCA_MEM_SIZE, Paddr;
-			continue;
-		}
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Board mapped to vaddr 0x%x\n", Caddr);
-		/*
-		** And check that it is actually there!
-		*/
-		if ( RIOBoardTest( Paddr,Caddr,RIO_MCA,SlotNumber ) == RIO_SUCCESS )
-		{
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Board has passed test\n");
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Slot %d. Type %d. Paddr 0x%x. Caddr 0x%x. Mode 0x%x.\n",
-			                            SlotNumber, RIO_MCA, Paddr, Caddr, Mode);
-			/*
-			** Board has passed its scrub test. Fill in all the
-			** transient stuff.
-			*/
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Slot	 = SlotNumber;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Ivec	 = Ivec;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Type	 = RIO_MCA;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Copy	 = bcopy;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].PaddrP   = Paddr;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Caddr	= Caddr;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].CardP	= (struct DpRam *)Caddr;
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Mode	 = Mode;
-			WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt , 0xff);
-			p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].UniqueNum =
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[0])&0xFF)<<0)|
-						((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[1])&0xFF)<<8)|
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[2])&0xFF)<<16)|
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[3])&0xFF)<<24);
-			RIONumHosts++;
-			ret++;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*
-			** It failed the test, so ignore it.
-			*/
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "TEST FAILED\n");
-			RIOMapout(Paddr, RIO_MCA_MEM_SIZE, Caddr );
-		}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Slot %d - Paddr zero!\n", SlotNumber);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Slot %d NOT RIO\n", SlotNumber);
-	}
-	}
-	/*
-	** Now we have checked all the slots, turn off the MCA slot selector
-	*/
-	outb(McaSlotSelect,0);
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Slot %d NOT RIO\n", SlotNumber);
-	return ret;
-int RIOEISAinit( int Mode )
-	static int EISADone = 0;
-	uint Paddr;
-	int PollIntMixMsgDone = 0;
-	caddr_t Caddr;
-	ushort Ident;
-	uchar EisaSlot;
-	uchar Ivec;
-	int ret = 0;
-	/*
-	** The only valid mode information for EISA hosts is fast or slow
-	** links.
-	*/
-	if ( EISADone )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIOEISAinit() - already done, return.\n");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	EISADone++;
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIOEISAinit()\n");
-	/*
-	** First check all cards to see if ANY are set for polled mode operation.
-	** If so, set ALL to polled.
-	*/
-	for ( EisaSlot=1; EisaSlot<=RIO_MAX_EISA_SLOTS; EisaSlot++ )
-	{
-	Ident = (INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_PRODUCT_IDENT_HI)<<8) |
-	if ( Ident == RIO_EISA_IDENT )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Found Specialix product\n");
-		{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Not Specialix RIO - Product number %x\n",
-		continue;  /* next slot */
-		}
-		/*
-		** Its a Specialix RIO!
-		*/
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO Revision %d\n",
-		RIOMachineType |= (1<<RIO_EISA);
-		/*
-		** Just check we haven't found too many wonderful objects
-		*/
-		if ( RIONumHosts >= RIO_HOSTS )
-		{
-		Rprintf(RIOMesgTooManyCards);
-		return 0;
-		}
-		/*
-		** Ensure that the enable bit is set!
-		*/
-		/*
-		** EISA_INTERRUPT_VEC contains the interrupt vector.
-		*/
-#ifdef RIODEBUG
-		switch ( Ivec & EISA_INTERRUPT_MASK )
-		{
-		case EISA_IRQ_3:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 3\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_4:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 4\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_5:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 5\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_6:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 6\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_7:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 7\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_9:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 9\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_10:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 10\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_11:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 11\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_12:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 12\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_14:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 14\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_IRQ_15:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA IRQ 15\n");
-		break;
-		case EISA_POLLED:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA POLLED\n");
-		break;
-		default:
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, NULL,DBG_INIT|DBG_FAIL,"Shagged interrupt number!\n");
-		}
-		if ( (Ivec & EISA_INTERRUPT_MASK) ==
-		{
-		RIOWillPoll = 1;
-		break;		/* From EisaSlot loop */
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	/*
-	** Do it all again now we know whether to change all cards to polled
-	** mode or not
-	*/
-	for ( EisaSlot=1; EisaSlot<=RIO_MAX_EISA_SLOTS; EisaSlot++ )
-	{
-	Ident = (INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_PRODUCT_IDENT_HI)<<8) |
-	if ( Ident == RIO_EISA_IDENT )
-	{
-		continue;  /* next slot */
-		/*
-		** Its a Specialix RIO!
-		*/
-		/*
-		** Ensure that the enable bit is set!
-		*/
-		/*
-		** EISA_INTERRUPT_VEC contains the interrupt vector.
-		*/
-		if ( RIOWillPoll )
-		{
-			/*
-			** If we are going to operate in polled mode, but this
-			** board is configured to be interrupt driven, display
-			** the message explaining the situation to the punter,
-			** assuming we haven't already done so.
-			*/
-			if ( !PollIntMixMsgDone &&
-			{
-			Rprintf(RIOMesgAllPolled);
-			PollIntMixMsgDone = 1;
-			}
-			/*
-			** Ungraciously ignore whatever the board reports as its
-			** interrupt vector...
-			*/
-			/*
-			** ...and force it to dance to the poll tune.
-			*/
-			Ivec |= EISA_POLLED;
-		}
-		/*
-		** Convert the IRQ enable mask into something useful (0-15)
-		*/
-		Ivec = RIOEisaToIvec(Ivec);
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA host in slot %d has Ivec 0x%x\n",
-		 EisaSlot, Ivec);
-		/*
-		** Find the physical address
-		*/
-		Paddr = (INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_MEMORY_BASE_HI)<<24) |
-				(INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_MEMORY_BASE_LO)<<16);
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "EISA card has Ivec %d Addr %x\n", Ivec, Paddr);
-		if ( Paddr == 0 )
-		{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,
-		 "Board in slot %d configured for address zero!\n", EisaSlot);
-		continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		** Tell the memory mapper that we want to talk to it
-		*/
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "About to map EISA card \n");
-		if (RIOMapin( Paddr, RIO_EISA_MEM_SIZE, &Caddr) == -1) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Couldn't map %d bytes at %x\n",
-							RIO_EISA_MEM_SIZE,Paddr);
-		continue;
-		}
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Board mapped to vaddr 0x%x\n", Caddr);
-		/*
-		** And check that it is actually there!
-		*/
-		if ( RIOBoardTest( Paddr,Caddr,RIO_EISA,EisaSlot) == RIO_SUCCESS )
-			{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Board has passed test\n");
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, 
-		"Slot %d. Ivec %d. Type %d. Paddr 0x%x. Caddr 0x%x. Mode 0x%x.\n",
-			EisaSlot,Ivec,RIO_EISA,Paddr,Caddr,Mode);
-		/*
-		** Board has passed its scrub test. Fill in all the
-		** transient stuff.
-		*/
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Slot	 = EisaSlot;
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Ivec	 = Ivec;
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Type	 = RIO_EISA;
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Copy	 = bcopy;
-				p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].PaddrP   = Paddr;
-				p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Caddr	= Caddr;
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].CardP	= (struct DpRam *)Caddr;
-				p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Mode	 = Mode;
-		/*
-		** because the EISA prom is mapped into IO space, we
-		** need to copy the unqiue number into the memory area
-		** that it would have occupied, so that the download
-		** code can determine its ID and card type.
-		*/
-	 WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[0],INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_UNIQUE_NUM_0));
-	 WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[1],INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_UNIQUE_NUM_1));
-	 WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[2],INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_UNIQUE_NUM_2));
-	 WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[3],INBZ(EisaSlot,EISA_UNIQUE_NUM_3));
-		p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].UniqueNum =
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[0])&0xFF)<<0)|
-						((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[1])&0xFF)<<8)|
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[2])&0xFF)<<16)|
-			((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[RIONumHosts].Unique[3])&0xFF)<<24);
-				RIONumHosts++;
-		ret++;
-			}
-		else
-		{
-		/*
-		** It failed the test, so ignore it.
-		*/
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "TEST FAILED\n");
-		RIOMapout(Paddr, RIO_EISA_MEM_SIZE, Caddr );
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	if (RIOMachineType & RIO_EISA)
-	return ret+1;
-	return ret;
-#ifndef linux
-#define CONFIG_ADDRESS	0xcf8
-#define CONFIG_DATA		0xcfc
-#define FORWARD_REG		0xcfa
-static int
-read_config(int bus_number, int device_num, int r_number) 
-	unsigned int cav;
-	unsigned int val;
-   Build config_address_value:
-      31        24 23        16 15      11 10  8 7        0 
-      ------------------------------------------------------
-      |1| 0000000 | bus_number | device # | 000 | register |
-      ------------------------------------------------------
-	cav = r_number & 0xff;
-	cav |= ((device_num & 0x1f) << 11);
-	cav |= ((bus_number & 0xff) << 16);
-	cav |= 0x80000000; /* Enable bit */
-	outpd(CONFIG_ADDRESS,cav);
-	val = inpd(CONFIG_DATA);
-	outpd(CONFIG_ADDRESS,0);
-	return val;
-	unsigned int cav;
-   Build config_address_value:
-      31        24 23        16 15      11 10  8 7        0 
-      ------------------------------------------------------
-      |1| 0000000 | bus_number | device # | 000 | register |
-      ------------------------------------------------------
-	cav = r_number & 0xff;
-	cav |= ((device_num & 0x1f) << 11);
-	cav |= ((bus_number & 0xff) << 16);
-	cav |= 0x80000000; /* Enable bit */
-	outpd(CONFIG_ADDRESS, cav);
-	outpd(CONFIG_DATA, val);
-	outpd(CONFIG_ADDRESS, 0);
-	return val;
-/* XXX Implement these... */
-static int
-read_config(int bus_number, int device_num, int r_number) 
-  return 0;
-static int
-write_config(int bus_number, int device_num, int r_number) 
-  return 0;
-RIOPCIinit(p, Mode)
-struct rio_info	*p;
-int 		Mode;
-	#define MAX_PCI_SLOT		32
-	#define RIO_PCI_JET_CARD	0x200011CB
-	static int	slot;	/* count of machine's PCI slots searched so far */
-	caddr_t		Caddr;	/* Virtual address of the current PCI host card. */
-	unsigned char	Ivec;	/* interrupt vector for the current PCI host */
-	unsigned long	Paddr;	/* Physical address for the current PCI host */
-	int		Handle;	/* Handle to Virtual memory allocated for current PCI host */
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Search for a RIO PCI card - start at slot %d\n", slot);
-	/*
-	** Initialise the search status
-	*/
-	p->RIOLastPCISearch	= RIO_FAIL;
-	while ( (slot < MAX_PCI_SLOT) & (p->RIOLastPCISearch != RIO_SUCCESS) )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Currently testing slot %d\n", slot);
-		if (read_config(0,slot,0) == RIO_PCI_JET_CARD) {
-			p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec = 0;
-			Paddr = read_config(0,slot,0x18);
-			Paddr = Paddr - (Paddr & 0x1); /* Mask off the io bit */
-			if ( (Paddr == 0) || ((Paddr & 0xffff0000) == 0xffff0000) ) {
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Goofed up slot\n");	/* what! */
-				slot++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP = Paddr;
-			Ivec = (read_config(0,slot,0x3c) & 0xff);
-			rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "PCI Host at 0x%x, Intr %d\n", (int)Paddr, Ivec);
-			Handle = RIOMapin( Paddr, RIO_PCI_MEM_SIZE, &Caddr );
-			if (Handle == -1) {
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "Couldn't map %d bytes at 0x%x\n", RIO_PCI_MEM_SIZE, (int)Paddr);
-				slot++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec = Ivec + 32;
-			p->intr_tid = iointset(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec,
-						(int (*)())rio_intr, (char *)p->RIONumHosts);
-			if (RIOBoardTest( Paddr, Caddr, RIO_PCI, 0 ) == RIO_SUCCESS) {
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, ("Board has passed test\n");
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, ("Paddr 0x%x. Caddr 0x%x. Mode 0x%x.\n", Paddr, Caddr, Mode);
-				/*
-				** Board has passed its scrub test. Fill in all the
-				** transient stuff.
-				*/
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Slot	   = 0;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Ivec	   = Ivec + 32;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Type	   = RIO_PCI;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Copy	   = rio_pcicopy; 
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].PaddrP	   = Paddr;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Caddr	   = Caddr;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].CardP	   = (struct DpRam *)Caddr;
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Mode	   = Mode;
-#if 0
-				WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Control, 
-						p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Mode | 
-				WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt,0xff);
-				WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Control,
-						p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Mode |
-				WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt,0xff);
-				WBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].ResetInt, 0xff);
-				p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum  =
-					((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[0])&0xFF)<<0)|
-					((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[1])&0xFF)<<8)|
-					((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[2])&0xFF)<<16)|
-					((RBYTE(p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].Unique[3])&0xFF)<<24);
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Unique no 0x%x.\n", 
-				    p->RIOHosts[p->RIONumHosts].UniqueNum);
-				p->RIOLastPCISearch = RIO_SUCCESS;
-				p->RIONumHosts++;
-			}
-		}
-		slot++;
-	}
-	if ( slot >= MAX_PCI_SLOT ) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "All %d PCI slots have tested for RIO cards !!!\n",
-			     MAX_PCI_SLOT);
-	}
-	/*
-	** I don't think we want to do this anymore
-	**
-	if (!p->RIOLastPCISearch == RIO_FAIL ) {
-		p->RIOFailed++;
-	}
-	**
-	*/
-void riohalt( void )
-	int host;
-	for ( host=0; host<p->RIONumHosts; host++ )
-	{
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "Stop host %d\n", host);
-		(void)RIOBoardTest( p->RIOHosts[host].PaddrP, p->RIOHosts[host].Caddr, p->RIOHosts[host].Type,p->RIOHosts[host].Slot );
-	}
 static	uchar	val[] = {
@@ -1262,200 +387,6 @@
 	return RIO_SUCCESS;
-** try to ensure that every host is either in polled mode
-** or is in interrupt mode. Only allow interrupt mode if
-** all hosts can interrupt (why?)
-** and force into polled mode if told to. Patch up the
-** interrupt vector & salute The Queen when you've done.
-#if 0
-static void
-struct rio_info *	p;
-	int Host;
-	/*
-	** Easy case - if we have been told to poll, then we poll.
-	*/
-	if (p->mode & POLLED_MODE) {
-		RIOStopInterrupts(p, 0, 0);
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
-	** check - if any host has been set to polled mode, then all must be.
-	*/
-	for (Host=0; Host<p->RIONumHosts; Host++) {
-		if ( (p->RIOHosts[Host].Type != RIO_AT) &&
-				(p->RIOHosts[Host].Ivec == POLLED) ) {
-			RIOStopInterrupts(p, 1, Host );
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	for (Host=0; Host<p->RIONumHosts; Host++) {
-		if (p->RIOHosts[Host].Type == RIO_AT) {
-			if ( (p->RIOHosts[Host].Ivec - 32) == 0) {
-				RIOStopInterrupts(p, 2, Host );
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-** something has decided that we can't be doing with these
-** new-fangled interrupt thingies. Set everything up to just
-** poll.
-static void
-RIOStopInterrupts(p, Reason, Host)
-struct rio_info *	p;
-int	Reason;
-int	Host; 
-	switch (Reason) {
-		case 0:	/* forced into polling by rio_polled */
-			break;
-		case 1:	/* SCU has set 'Host' into polled mode */
-			break;
-		case 2:	/* there aren't enough interrupt vectors for 'Host' */
-			break;
-	}
-	for (Host=0; Host<p->RIONumHosts; Host++ ) {
-		struct Host *HostP = &p->RIOHosts[Host];
-		switch (HostP->Type) {
-			case RIO_AT:
-				/*
-				** The AT host has it's interrupts disabled by clearing the
-				** int_enable bit.
-				*/
-				HostP->Mode &= ~INTERRUPT_ENABLE;
-				HostP->Ivec = POLLED;
-				break;
-			case RIO_EISA:
-				/*
-				** The EISA host has it's interrupts disabled by setting the
-				** Ivec to zero
-				*/
-				HostP->Ivec = POLLED;
-				break;
-			case RIO_PCI:
-				/*
-				** The PCI host has it's interrupts disabled by clearing the
-				** int_enable bit, like a regular host card.
-				*/
-				HostP->Mode &= ~RIO_PCI_INT_ENABLE;
-				HostP->Ivec = POLLED;
-				break;
-			case RIO_MCA:
-				/*
-				** There's always one, isn't there?
-				** The MCA host card cannot have it's interrupts disabled.
-				*/
-				RIOPatchVec(HostP);
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-** This function is called at init time to setup the data structures.
-struct rio_info *	p;
-	int	port,
-		host,
-		tm;
-	p->RIOPortp = (struct Port *)sysbrk(RIO_PORTS * sizeof(struct Port));
-	if (!p->RIOPortp) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO-init: No memory for port structures\n");
-		p->RIOFailed++;
-		return;
-	} 
-	bzero( p->RIOPortp, sizeof(struct Port) * RIO_PORTS );
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "RIO-init: allocated and cleared memory for port structs\n");
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "First RIO port struct @0x%x, size=0x%x bytes\n",
-	    (int)p->RIOPortp, sizeof(struct Port));
-	for( port=0; port<RIO_PORTS; port++ ) {
-		p->RIOPortp[port].PortNum = port;
-		p->RIOPortp[port].TtyP = &p->channel[port];
-		sreset (p->RIOPortp[port].InUse);	/* Let the first guy uses it */
-		p->RIOPortp[port].portSem = -1;	/* Let the first guy takes it */
-		p->RIOPortp[port].ParamSem = -1;	/* Let the first guy takes it */
-		p->RIOPortp[port].timeout_id = 0;	/* Let the first guy takes it */
-	}
-	p->RIOHosts = (struct Host *)sysbrk(RIO_HOSTS * sizeof(struct Host));
-	if (!p->RIOHosts) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO-init: No memory for host structures\n");
-		p->RIOFailed++;
-		return;
-	}
-	bzero(p->RIOHosts, sizeof(struct Host)*RIO_HOSTS);
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "RIO-init: allocated and cleared memory for host structs\n");
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT,  "First RIO host struct @0x%x, size=0x%x bytes\n",
-	    (int)p->RIOHosts, sizeof(struct Host));
-	for( host=0; host<RIO_HOSTS; host++ ) {
-		spin_lock_init (&p->RIOHosts[host].HostLock);
-		p->RIOHosts[host].timeout_id = 0; /* Let the first guy takes it */
-	}
-	/*
-	** check that the buffer size is valid, round down to the next power of
-	** two if necessary; if the result is zero, then, hey, no double buffers.
-	*/
-	for ( tm = 1; tm && tm <= p->RIOConf.BufferSize; tm <<= 1 )
-		;
-	tm >>= 1;
-	p->RIOBufferSize = tm;
-	p->RIOBufferMask = tm ? tm - 1 : 0;
-** this function gets called whenever the data structures need to be
-** re-setup, for example, after a riohalt (why did I ever invent it?)
-struct rio_info	* p;
-	int host, entry, rup;
-	for ( host=0; host<RIO_HOSTS; host++ ) {
-		struct Host *HostP = &p->RIOHosts[host];
-		for ( entry=0; entry<LINKS_PER_UNIT; entry++ ) {
-			HostP->Topology[entry].Unit = ROUTE_DISCONNECT;
-			HostP->Topology[entry].Link = NO_LINK;
-		}
-		bcopy("HOST X", HostP->Name, 7);
-		HostP->Name[5] = '1'+host;
-		for (rup=0; rup<(MAX_RUP + LINKS_PER_UNIT); rup++) {
-			if (rup < MAX_RUP) {
-				for (entry=0; entry<LINKS_PER_UNIT; entry++ ) {
-					HostP->Mapping[rup].Topology[entry].Unit = ROUTE_DISCONNECT;
-					HostP->Mapping[rup].Topology[entry].Link = NO_LINK;
-				}
-				RIODefaultName(p, HostP, rup);
-			}
-			spin_lock_init(&HostP->UnixRups[rup].RupLock);
-		}
-	}
 RIODefaultName(p, HostP, UnitId)
@@ -1463,10 +394,6 @@
 struct Host *	HostP;
 uint			UnitId;
-#ifdef CHECK
-	CheckHost( Host );
-	CheckUnitId( UnitId );
 	bcopy("UNKNOWN RTA X-XX",HostP->Mapping[UnitId].Name,17);
 	if ((UnitId+1) > 9) {
@@ -1483,33 +410,6 @@
 #define RIO_RELEASE	"Linux"
 #define RELEASE_ID	"1.0"
-#if 0
-static int
-struct rio_info *	p;
-	char *	RIORelease = RIO_RELEASE;
-	char *	RIORelID = RELEASE_ID;
-	int		host;
-	rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "RIO : Release: %s ID: %s\n", RIORelease, RIORelID);
-	if ( p->RIONumHosts==0 ) {
-		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "\nNo Hosts configured\n");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	for ( host=0; host < p->RIONumHosts; host++ ) {
-		struct Host *HostP = &p->RIOHosts[host];
-		switch ( HostP->Type ) {
-			case RIO_AT:
-				rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, "AT BUS : found the card at 0x%x\n", HostP->PaddrP);
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
 static struct rioVersion	stVersion;
 struct rioVersion *
@@ -1523,27 +423,6 @@
     return &stVersion;
-#if 0
-RIOMapin(paddr, size, vaddr)
-paddr_t		paddr;
-int			size;
-caddr_t *	vaddr;
-	*vaddr = (caddr_t)permap( (long)paddr, size);
-	return ((int)*vaddr);
-RIOMapout(paddr, size, vaddr)
-paddr_t		paddr;
-long		size;
-caddr_t 	vaddr;
 RIOHostReset(Type, DpRamP, Slot)
 uint Type;
@@ -1570,31 +449,6 @@
 			WBYTE(DpRamP->DpResetTpu, 0xFF);
-	case RIO_EISA:
-	/*
-	** Bet this doesn't work!
-	*/
-	suspend( 3 );
-	break;
-	case RIO_MCA:
-	WBYTE(DpRamP->DpControl  , McaTpBootFromRam | McaTpBusDisable );
-	WBYTE(DpRamP->DpResetTpu , 0xFF );
-	suspend( 3 );
-	WBYTE(DpRamP->DpControl  , McaTpBootFromRam | McaTpBusDisable );
-	WBYTE(DpRamP->DpResetTpu , 0xFF );
-	suspend( 3 );
-		break;
 	case RIO_PCI:
 		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, " (RIO_PCI)\n");
 		DpRamP->DpControl  = RIO_PCI_BOOT_FROM_RAM;
@@ -1604,12 +458,6 @@
 		/* for (i=0; i<6000; i++);  */
 		/* suspend( 3 ); */
-	default:
-	Rprintf(RIOMesgNoSupport,Type,DpRamP,Slot);
-	return;
 		rio_dprintk (RIO_DEBUG_INIT, " (UNKNOWN)\n");

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