Re: recommended mail clients

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Randy.Dunlap wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Dec 2005 20:28:40 +0200 Jaco Kroon wrote:
>>Lee Revell wrote:
>>>On Mon, 2005-12-26 at 12:09 -0600, Jason Munro wrote:
>>>>On 11:54:00 am 26 Dec 2005 Lee Revell <> wrote:
>>>>>>Dare I say it, KMail has also been doing the Right Thing for a
>>>>>>long time. It will only line wrap things that you insert by
>>>>>>typing; pastes are left untouched.
> sylpheed also DTRT.  (
> It's a simple, clean email client.
>>I've looked at a few clients and it seems I'm stuck with mozilla for at
>>least a while.  Whilst probably the buggiest client there is it does
>>look like it's the best suited for what I want.  I might switch to
>>FireFox (which iirc does have an "insert file" feature - which might
>>also solve this problem).
> Firefox has an email interface??

Thunderbird ... (my brain is rotting ok ... ?)

>>For the moment though I'm quickly hacking together a bash script that
>>wraps the sendmail binary that can be used specifically for submitting
>>patches (the intent is to perform certain checks for Signed-of-by lines,
>>correct [PATCH] subject and so forth).  If anybody else is interrested
>>I'd be more than happy to share (albeit I suspect the usefullness will
>>be seriously limited).
> Greg KH and Paul Jackson have both written scripts for this.
> And there may be one in the quilt package.
> Paul's (python) is at
> I don't recall where Greg's is (perl).

/me grabs a copy.

There are only 10 kinds of people in this world,
  those that understand binary and those that don't.

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