Re: SATA SCSI device numbering - I'm confuzed! - Help!

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On Tue, 20 Dec 2005 23:18:32 -0800, Marc Perkel <> wrote:

> OK - this really has me stumped. I have a asus A8N-SLI premium 
> motherboard. It has 4 SATA ports on it. The ports are numbered 1 to 4. 
> So somehow I asumed that port 1 would be /dev/sda ... port 4 would be 
> /dev/sdd - but when I boot up the order is very different and doesn't 
> make a lot of sense. How can a person predict what drives will get what 
> device names. Sure would be handy to be able to know that.

Plz, post this info:


to see what is in you mobo and how does kernel detect it.
That four sata ports can be several (2?) separate PCI devices and it all depends
on the order the kernel detects them.

J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()able!es>     \               Software is like sex:
werewolf!able!es                         \         It's better when it's free
Mandriva Linux release 2006.1 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.6.14-jam5 (gcc 4.0.2 (4.0.2-1mdk for Mandriva Linux release 2006.1))

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