Attached second patch adds the two file realmode.c/realmode.h,
and how to compile them and insert then at the end of the ELF file.
The resulting linux.kgz can be used with Gujin but the "root="
parameter has to be given manually.
Signed-off-by: Etienne Lorrain <>
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile 2005-09-30 23:17:35.000000000 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/Makefile 2005-10-04 15:45:57.011054904 +0200
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ extra-y := head.o init_task.o vmlinux.ld
obj-y := process.o semaphore.o signal.o entry.o traps.o irq.o vm86.o \
ptrace.o time.o ioport.o ldt.o setup.o i8259.o sys_i386.o \
pci-dma.o i386_ksyms.o i387.o dmi_scan.o bootflag.o \
- doublefault.o quirks.o i8237.o
+ doublefault.o quirks.o i8237.o realmode.o
obj-y += cpu/
obj-y += timers/
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/realmode.c linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/realmode.c
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/realmode.c 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/realmode.c 2005-10-04 15:45:57.015054296 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1411 @@
+ * This file "realmode.c" is licensed with the same license as the Linux
+ * kernel, and anyway the mapping of the data structure produced is owned
+ * by Linux kernel copyright owner(s) - for a long time.
+ *
+ * The main use of this file is to produce a "Gujin native bootable file"
+ * i.e. a Linux kernel with a "kgz" extension, which is a standard ELF
+ * executable file translated to binary image by OBJCOPY and compressed
+ * by GZIP. This initial ELF file may contain an ia32 real mode section
+ * at its end (size in "realfct_size" parameter) to be copied in low memory
+ * by the bootloader and executed before switching to ia32 protected mode,
+ * so that the Linux kernel can interrogate the BIOS.
+ * If there is no real mode section in the ELF file, then "realfct_size"
+ * is set to zero or not given at all, and a default mapping is filled by
+ * Gujin - that shall boot nearly every Linux kernel since the old time (TM).
+ *
+ * Gujin homepage is at: ; it is itself licensed
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
+ * Gujin is Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Etienne Lorrain, fingerprint (2D3AF3EA):
+ * 2471 DF64 9DEE 41D4 C8DB 9667 E448 FF8C 2D3A F3EA
+ * E-Mail: etienne dot lorrain at gujin dot org
+ *
+ * First version has been written by Etienne Lorrain in December 2004.
+ * This patch cannot really be applied to Linux-2.11 and before without
+ * loosing the EDD and EDID infomation which moved in Linux-2.6.12
+ */
+ * Do not touch - used to generate real mode ia32 code and manage
+ * the inter-segment call transparently, after maximum 4 Kbytes
+ * of real mode rodata/data has been copied in %ds segment.
+ *
+ * Having constant/initialised variable in here is a bit tricky,
+ * it uses the fact that since Gujin-1.0, the segment ".fourKsegment"
+ * containning the only variable "fourKbuffer" (of size 4 Kbytes)
+ * is located at %ds:0 i.e. before the ".rodata" of Gujin.
+ * Note that here the code segment is local but the data segment
+ * (and the stack segment) is the one of Gujin for obvious reasons.
+ * The first person modifying data at address over %ds:0x1000
+ * get all the blame for any bug happening in Gujin, in between
+ * the last and the next big bang, and it is a pretty long time.
+ * <smile>You don't like my memory protection system?</smile>
+ */
+asm(" .psize 0 \n"
+ " .code16gcc \n"
+ " .section .init.text16,\"ax\",@progbits \n"
+ " push %di \n"
+ " push %si \n"
+ " mov $_sdata16,%si \n"
+ " mov %si,%di \n"
+ " mov $_edata16,%cx \n"
+ " and $0xFFF,%cx \n"
+ " sub %si,%cx \n"
+ " shr $2,%cx \n"
+ " rep movsl %cs:(%si),%es:(%di) \n"
+ " pop %si \n"
+ " pop %di \n"
+ " calll linux_set_params \n"
+ " lretw \n"
+ " .previous \n"
+#include "asm/realmode.h"
+ * Those need to be used because there is no way to set the default
+ * segment name used for ".text", ".data", ".rodata*" and ".bss"
+ * It would be nice to be able to do: asm(".equ .data, .data16");
+ * or shall that be managed by the compiler - and by compilation
+ * switch or by the attribute of functions?
+ * This file is pre-linked (section with same name grouped together)
+ * in "arch/i386/kernel/built-in.o" so no hope to manage it in
+ * the final linker file if it uses the same section names.
+ * Maybe if "arch/i386/kernel/built-in.o" could be an archive?
+ * Maybe it is "the right way (TM)" to use different section names
+ * so that those functions can be located in different source files.
+ * Maybe the section name shall be automatically changed using
+ * objcopy in the realmode.o file, just after compilation.
+ * Maybe the segment names shall be changed by sed in the
+ * assembler file.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, I do not know how to use inline strings here,
+ * i.e. puts("hello world"); will not work due to the segment
+ * used to store the constant "hello world".
+ * Same for the implicit table generated by a big switch().
+ * This would generate a prohibited cross reference at linker time.
+ *
+ * I also need to add that using GCC to generate real-mode i386
+ * executable has a major limitation: no use of library compiled
+ * for protected mode. If your source make GCC to call memcpy(),
+ * memset(), strcpy()... then you have to provide them yourself.
+ * The same thing apply if you multiply or divide 64 bit numbers
+ * by non power of two. Adding and substracting of long long is OK.
+ */
+#define CONST __attribute__ ((section (".rodata16"))) const
+#define VARIABLE __attribute__ ((section (".data16")))
+#define BSS __attribute__ ((section (".bss16")))
+#define CODE __attribute__ ((section (".text16")))
+#if 0
+ * When compiling this file, some combination of GCC and options
+ * will call memset() in the assembly generated. You can check it
+ * by typing "make arch/i386/kernel/realmode.s".
+ * They cannot be inline because they are _called_ by the compiler.
+ * It is not possible to access the standard one because its
+ * hexadecimal coding is for protected mode, and not possible to
+ * code it in assembler because of we do not know the calling
+ * convension (GCC optimisations like "-mtrd", "-mregparm=3").
+ * We also cannot have two memcpy() nor memset() in the same
+ * final link, so we rename them in assembler.
+ * This part is currently disabled due to a problem in the linker
+ * but right now no GCC switch combination produces memset/memcpy calls.
+ */
+CODE void code16_memcpy (char *dest, const char *src, unsigned nb)
+ while (nb--)
+ *dest++ = *src++;
+CODE void code16_memset (char *dest, unsigned val, unsigned nb)
+ while (nb--)
+ *dest++ = val;
+asm (
+ "memcpy = code16_memcpy \n"
+ "memset = code16_memset \n"
+ ** Few debug functions and how to use them, including how to declare
+ ** variables and constants. For complex debug, you may want to
+ ** check dbgload.exe of Gujin. The following debug uses the VIDEO BIOS
+ ** to display messages so will not work in VESA modes when the VESA
+ ** BIOS do not support printing characters in current video mode
+ ** (bit BIOS_output_supported of VESA_modeinfo_t / struct screen_info)
+ **/
+//#define TEST_VGAPRINT
+CONST char test_before[] = "test: 0x";
+VARIABLE unsigned test_val = 0x089ABC0;
+CONST char test_middle[] = ", test_val2 = 0x";
+BSS unsigned test_val2;
+VARIABLE char test_after[] = ".\r\n";
+#define PUSHALL "pushw %%ds; pushw %%es; pushw %%fs; pushw %%gs; pushal\n"
+#define POPALL "popal; popw %%gs; popw %%fs; popw %%es; popw %%ds\n"
+CODE static void vgaputs (const char *string)
+ while (*string != '\0')
+ " movw $0x0007,%%bx\n int $0x10 \n"
+ : : "a" (0x0E00 | (unsigned char)*string++));
+CODE static void vgaputx (unsigned val)
+ unsigned digit_shift = 7 * 4;
+ while (digit_shift && (val & (0xF << digit_shift)) == 0)
+ digit_shift -= 4;
+ for (;;) {
+ " movw $0x0007,%%bx \n"
+ " sahf # clear AF \n"
+ " aaa \n"
+ " aad $0x11 \n"
+ " add $0x0E30,%%ax \n"
+ " int $0x10 \n"
+ : : "a" ((val >> digit_shift) & 0x0F));
+ if (digit_shift == 0)
+ break;
+ digit_shift -= 4;
+ }
+CODE static inline void vga_wait_seconds (unsigned seconds)
+ unsigned nb_microsec = seconds * 1000 * 1000;
+ unsigned short status;
+ asm volatile (" int $0x15 # _BIOS_wait "
+ : "=a" (status)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x8600), "d" (nb_microsec & 0xFFFF),
+ "c" (nb_microsec >> 16));
+extern inline void test_vgaprint (void)
+ unsigned stackptr;
+ static CONST char stkmsg[] = ", sp = 0x";
+ asm (" mov %%esp,%0 " : "=r" (stackptr));
+ test_val2 = 0x1234fedc;
+ vgaputs(test_before);
+ vgaputx(test_val);
+ vgaputs(test_middle);
+ vgaputx(test_val2);
+ vgaputs(stkmsg);
+ vgaputx(stackptr);
+ vgaputs(test_after);
+ vga_wait_seconds(7);
+#define DBG(startstr, variable, endstr) { \
+ static CONST char before[]=startstr, after[] = endstr; \
+ vgaputs(before); vgaputx(variable); vgaputs(after); \
+ }
+#define DBG_WAIT() vga_wait_seconds(7)
+#define test_vgaprint() /*nothing*/
+#define DBG(startstr, variable, endstr) /*nothing*/
+#define DBG_WAIT() /*nothing*/
+ ** All the non BIOS related, low level functions we use:
+ **/
+extern inline unsigned peekb (farptr adr)
+ unsigned returned;
+ unsigned short scratch;
+ extern char memory[];
+ asm(" pushl %2 \n"
+ " popw %w0 \n"
+ " popw %%fs \n"
+ " movzbl %%fs:(%w0),%1 \n"
+ : "=bSDB" (scratch), "=r" (returned)
+ : "g" (adr), "m" (*memory) );
+ return returned;
+extern inline unsigned peekw (farptr adr)
+ unsigned returned;
+ unsigned short scratch;
+ extern char memory[];
+ asm(" pushl %2 \n"
+ " popw %w0 \n"
+ " popw %%fs \n"
+ " movzwl %%fs:(%w0),%1 \n"
+ : "=bSDB" (scratch), "=r" (returned)
+ : "g" (adr), "m" (*memory) );
+ return returned;
+extern inline void outb (unsigned short port, unsigned char data)
+ asm volatile (" outb %0,%1 " : : "a" (data), "dN" (port));
+extern inline unsigned char inb (unsigned short port)
+ unsigned char result;
+ asm volatile (" inb %1,%0 " : "=a" (result) : "dN" (port));
+ return result;
+extern inline void short_delay (unsigned count)
+ asm volatile (" loopl . \n" : "+c" (count));
+extern inline unsigned char getnvram (unsigned char addr)
+ outb(0x70, addr & ~0x80); /* bit 7 cleared: NMI enabled */
+ short_delay(1000); /* wait 1000 assembly instructions */
+ return inb(0x71);
+__attribute__ ((const)) extern inline farptr
+stack_farptr (const void *data)
+ unsigned stackseg_mask; /* stack is max 64 K */
+ asm (" mov %%ss,%0 \n" : "=r" (stackseg_mask));
+ return (farptr)((stackseg_mask << 16) | (unsigned) data);
+ ** Generic BIOS calls:
+ **/
+extern inline struct shift_flags_str {
+ unsigned char right_shift_key_pressed : 1;
+ unsigned char left_shift_key_pressed : 1;
+ unsigned char control_key_pressed : 1;
+ unsigned char alternate_key_pressed : 1;
+ unsigned char scroll_lock_active : 1;
+ unsigned char num_lock_active : 1;
+ unsigned char caps_lock_active : 1;
+ unsigned char insert_active : 1;
+} _BIOS_get_shift_flags (void)
+ struct shift_flags_str flags;
+ asm (" int $0x16 # _BIOS_get_shift_flags"
+ : "=a" (flags)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x0200) );
+ return flags;
+extern inline farptr _BIOS_getConfiguration (void)
+ unsigned char error;
+ farptr conf;
+ asm (" pushl %%es \n"
+ " stc \n"
+ " int $0x15 # _BIOS_getConfiguration \n"
+ " setc %%al \n"
+ " pushw %%es \n"
+ " pushw %%bx \n"
+ " popl %%ebx \n"
+ " popl %%es \n"
+ : "=a" (error), "=b" (conf)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0xC000) );
+ if (error)
+ return (farptr)0;
+ return conf;
+extern inline void
+get_bios_conf (farptr adr, struct sys_desc_table_info *sys_desc_table)
+ unsigned nbbyte = sizeof(struct sys_desc_table_info);
+ asm (" pushl %%esi \n"
+ " popw %%si \n"
+ " popw %%fs \n"
+ " cld \n"
+ " rep movsb %%fs:(%%si),%%es:(%%di) \n"
+ : "+S" (adr), "+D" (sys_desc_table), "+c" (nbbyte), "=X" (*sys_desc_table)
+ );
+extern inline unsigned char
+_BIOS_getExtendedMemory (unsigned short *sizeinKb)
+ unsigned char error;
+ asm (" int $0x15 # _BIOS_getExtendedMemory \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (error), "=a" (*sizeinKb)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x8800)
+ );
+ return error; /* 0 if no error */
+struct MemoryMap_str {
+ unsigned long long base, length;
+ enum { MemAvailable = 1, MemSpecial = 2,
+ Mem_ACPI_reclaim = 3, Mem_ACPI_NVS = 4
+ } type:32;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+extern inline unsigned
+_BIOS_QueryMemoryMap (unsigned *cont_val, unsigned bufsize,
+ struct e820map_info *buffer)
+ /* inline */ const unsigned smapsig = 0x534D4150; // 'SMAP' in big endian
+ unsigned smap_res = 0xE820U, actual_len;
+ asm volatile (" int $0x15 # _BIOS_QueryMemoryMap \n"
+ " jnc 1f \n"
+ " xorl %%eax,%%eax \n"
+ " 1: \n"
+ : "+a" (smap_res), "+b" (*cont_val),
+ "=c" (actual_len), "=X" (*buffer)
+ : "c" (bufsize), "d" (smapsig), "D" (buffer) /* in fact %%es:%%di */
+ );
+ if (smap_res != smapsig)
+ return 0;
+ return actual_len;
+extern inline unsigned char
+_APM_installation_check (unsigned short *BCD_version, unsigned short *flags)
+ unsigned char error;
+ unsigned short sig;
+ asm (" int $0x15 # _APM_installation_check \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (error), "=a" (*BCD_version), "=b" (sig), "=c" (*flags)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x5300), "b" (0)
+ );
+ if (error) {
+ *BCD_version &= 0xFF00; /* keep there error code */
+ *flags = 0;
+ }
+ return error || sig != 0x504D; /* "PM" */
+extern inline unsigned short _APM_disconnect (void)
+ unsigned short error;
+ asm volatile (" int $0x15 # _APM_disconnect \n"
+ " setc %%al \n"
+ : "=a" (error)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x5304), "b" (0) );
+ if ((error & 0xFF) == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return error;
+extern inline unsigned char
+_APM_connect_32bit (unsigned short *RM_segbase_32,
+ unsigned *entry_point_offset_32,
+ unsigned short *RM_segbase_code16,
+ unsigned short *RM_segbase_data16,
+ /* APM v1.1: */
+ unsigned short *APM_BIOS_codeseg_len,
+ unsigned short *APM_BIOS_dataseg_len)
+ unsigned char error;
+ asm volatile (" xorl %%edi,%%edi \n"
+ " xorl %%esi,%%esi \n"
+ " int $0x15 # _APM_connect_32bit \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (error),
+ "=a" (*RM_segbase_32), "=b" (*entry_point_offset_32),
+ "=c" (*RM_segbase_code16), "=d" (*RM_segbase_data16),
+ "=S" (*APM_BIOS_codeseg_len),
+ "=D" (*APM_BIOS_dataseg_len)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x5303), "b" (0)
+ );
+ return error;
+ ** Video BIOS: EGA, VGA, VESA and EDID.
+ **/
+union EGA_bx_union {
+ struct {
+ enum { EGA_64K, EGA_128K, EGA_192K, EGA_256K } memory:8;
+ enum { EGA_COLOR_3Dx, EGA_MONO_3Bx } IOaddr:8;
+ } enums;
+ unsigned short IOaddr_memory;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct EGA_cx_str {
+ unsigned short switch1off : 1;
+ unsigned short switch2off : 1;
+ unsigned short switch3off : 1;
+ unsigned short switch4off : 1;
+ unsigned short switch_unused : 4;
+ unsigned short FEAT1line_state2 : 1;
+ unsigned short FEAT0line_state2 : 1;
+ unsigned short FEAT1line_state1 : 1;
+ unsigned short FEAT0line_state1 : 1;
+ unsigned short FEAT_unused : 4;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+extern inline void
+_EGA_getdisplay (union EGA_bx_union *EGA_bx, struct EGA_cx_str *EGA_cx)
+ unsigned short destroyed_tseng_ET4000_V8_00;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _EGA_getdisplay "
+ : "=b" (*EGA_bx), "=c" (*EGA_cx),
+ "=a" (destroyed_tseng_ET4000_V8_00)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x1200),
+ "b" ((unsigned short)0xFF10) /* %bh = 0xFF to see if supported */
+ );
+extern inline void
+_VGA_getcursor (unsigned char page, unsigned char *row, unsigned char *col,
+ unsigned char *cursorstart, unsigned char *cursorstop)
+ unsigned short row_col, cstart_cstop;
+ unsigned short destroyed_Phoenix_BIOS;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # getcursor "
+ : "=d" (row_col), "=c" (cstart_cstop),
+ "=a" (destroyed_Phoenix_BIOS)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x0300), "b" ((unsigned short)page << 8)
+ );
+ *col = (unsigned char)row_col;
+ *row = row_col >> 8;
+ *cursorstart = cstart_cstop >> 8; /* bug reported with mono displays */
+ *cursorstop = (unsigned char)cstart_cstop;
+extern inline char
+_VGA_getmode (unsigned char *nbcol, unsigned char *page)
+ unsigned short nbcol_mode;
+ unsigned short tmppage;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # getmode "
+ : "=b" (tmppage), "=a" (nbcol_mode)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x0F00)
+ );
+ *nbcol = nbcol_mode >> 8;
+ *page = tmppage >> 8;
+ return (char)nbcol_mode; /* bit 7 set if last setmode had it */
+extern inline unsigned
+_VGA_get_display_combination_code (unsigned char *active_dcc,
+ unsigned char *alternate_dcc)
+ unsigned char result;
+ unsigned short alternate_active;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # get_display_combination_code "
+ : "=a" (result), "=b" (alternate_active)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x1A00)
+ );
+ *active_dcc = (unsigned char)alternate_active;
+ *alternate_dcc = alternate_active >> 8;
+ return (result != 0x1A);
+typedef struct {
+ char VbeSignature[4]; /* "VESA" but NOT zero terminated. */
+ unsigned short VbeVersion;
+ farptr OemStringPtr;
+ struct {
+ unsigned DAC8bit_present : 1;
+ unsigned nonVGAcontroller : 1;
+ unsigned DAC_needs_programmed_while_blanking : 1;
+ unsigned VBE_AF_extension : 1;
+ unsigned hardware_mouse_cursor : 1;
+ unsigned hardware_clipping : 1;
+ unsigned transparent_bitblt : 1;
+ unsigned reserved : 25;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) Capabilities;
+ farptr VideoModePtr;
+ unsigned short TotalMemory; /* in 64K blocks */
+ /* if VBE 2.0+ (else structure is 256 bytes) : */
+ unsigned short OemSoftwareRev;
+ farptr OemVendorNamePtr;
+ farptr OemProductNamePtr;
+ farptr OemProductRevPtr;
+ unsigned char Reserved[222]; /* ONLY VESA version 1.2- info */
+ unsigned char OemData[256]; /* will not kill VESA1.2- */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) VESA_VbeInfoBlock;
+typedef struct {
+ struct vesa_mode_attribute_str ModeAttributes;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char win_exist : 1;
+ unsigned char win_readable : 1;
+ unsigned char win_writable : 1;
+ unsigned char padding : 5;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) WinAAttributes, WinBAttributes;
+ unsigned short WinGranularity; /* in Kb */
+ unsigned short WinSize; /* in Kb */
+ unsigned short WinASegment;
+ unsigned short WinBSegment;
+ farptr WinFuncPtr;
+ unsigned short BytesPerScanLine;
+ /* optional part, see "attribute.optional_info_available": */
+ unsigned short XResolution; /* char in text modes,
+ pixel in graphic modes */
+ unsigned short YResolution;
+ unsigned char XCharSize;
+ unsigned char YCharSize;
+ unsigned char NumberOfPlanes;
+ unsigned char BitsPerPixel;
+ unsigned char NumberOfBanks; /* unused here : no multipaged screen */
+ enum { mem_text = 0, mem_CGA, mem_HGC, mem_EGA, mem_packedpixel,
+ mem_seq256, mem_HiColor24, mem_YUV
+ } MemoryModel : 8;
+ /* mem_seq256 = non chain 4 */
+ unsigned char BankSize; /* in Kb, unused here */
+ unsigned char NumberOfImagePages;
+ unsigned char Reserved;
+ /* VBE 1.2+: */
+ struct vesa_color_layout_str layout;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char color_ramp_programmable : 1;
+ unsigned char reserved_space_usable : 1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) DirectColorModeInfo;
+ /* VBE 2.0: */
+ unsigned PhysBasePtr;
+ unsigned OffScreenMemOffset;
+ unsigned short OffScreenMemSize; /* in Kb */
+ unsigned char Reserved2[206];
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) VESA_modeinfo_t;
+extern inline unsigned
+_VESA_getinfo (VESA_VbeInfoBlock *VESA_info)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F00;
+ if (sizeof(VESA_VbeInfoBlock) != 512)
+ __ERROR();
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _VESA_getinfo "
+ : "+a"(cmd_status), "=X" (*VESA_info)
+ : "D"(VESA_info) /* in fact %es:%di */
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+extern inline unsigned
+_VESA_getmodeinfo (VESA_modeinfo_t *VESA_modeinfo, unsigned short mode)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F01;
+ if (sizeof(VESA_modeinfo_t) != 256)
+ __ERROR();
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _VESA_getmodeinfo "
+ : "+a" (cmd_status), "=X" (*VESA_modeinfo)
+ : "c" (mode), "D" (VESA_modeinfo) /* in fact %es:%di */
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+extern inline unsigned _VESA_getmode (unsigned short *mode)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F03;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _VESA_getmode "
+ : "+a" (cmd_status),
+ "=b" (*mode) /* *mode contains bits 13, 14 & 15 */
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+extern inline unsigned _VESA_setDACwidth (unsigned char depth)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F08;
+ unsigned short result = depth << 8; /* %bl = 0 */
+ asm volatile (" int $0x10 # _VESA_setDACwidth " /* VESA 1.2+ */
+ : "+a" (cmd_status), "+b" (result)
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F || (result >> 8) != depth);
+/* VESA 2.0+ */
+extern inline unsigned
+_VESA_GetPMinterface (farptr *addr, unsigned short *len)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F0A;
+ asm (" pushl %%es \n"
+ " xorw %%di,%%di \n"
+ " mov %%di,%%es \n"
+ " int $0x10 # _VESA_GetPMinterface \n"
+ " pushw %%es \n"
+ " pushw %%di \n"
+ " popl %%edi \n"
+ " popl %%es \n"
+ : "+a" (cmd_status), "=D" (*addr), "=c" (*len)
+ : "b" (0), "c" ((unsigned short)0)
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+extern inline unsigned _EDID_detect (void)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F15, unknown;
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _EDID_detect"
+ : "+a" (cmd_status), "=b" (unknown)
+ : "b"((unsigned char)0)
+ );
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+extern inline unsigned _EDID_read (VBE_EDID_t *info)
+ unsigned short cmd_status = 0x4F15;
+ if (sizeof(VBE_EDID_t) != 0x80)
+ __ERROR();
+ asm (" int $0x10 # _EDID_read"
+ : "+a" (cmd_status), "=X" (*info)
+ : "b" ((unsigned char) 1), "D" (info), /* in fact %es:%di */
+ "c"(0), "d"(0)
+ );
+ /* returns 0x014F if monitor non EDID */
+ return (cmd_status != 0x004F);
+ ** Disk BIOS:
+ **/
+extern inline unsigned
+_BIOSDISK_getparam (unsigned char disk,
+ unsigned short *tmpcx, unsigned short *tmpdx,
+ farptr *DBTadr, unsigned char *CmosDriveType,
+ unsigned char *status)
+ unsigned char carry;
+ asm (" pushl %%es \n"
+ " xorw %%di,%%di \n"
+ " mov %%di,%%es \n"
+ " int $0x13 # _BIOSDISK_getparam \n"
+ " pushw %%es \n"
+ " pushw %%di \n"
+ " popl %%edi \n"
+ " popl %%es \n"
+ " mov %%ah,%1 \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (carry), "=qm" (*status), "=c" (*tmpcx), "=d" (*tmpdx),
+ "=b" (*CmosDriveType), "=D" (*DBTadr)
+ : "a"((unsigned short)0x0800), "d" (disk), "b" (0)
+ );
+ return carry;
+extern inline unsigned char
+_BIOSDISK_gettype (unsigned char disk, unsigned *nbsect, unsigned char *status)
+ unsigned char carry;
+ unsigned dummy;
+ asm (" xor %%dh,%%dh \n"
+ " xor %%cx,%%cx \n"
+ " int $0x13 # _BIOSDISK_gettype \n"
+ " shll $16,%%ecx \n"
+ " movw %%dx,%%cx \n"
+ " movb %%ah,%1 \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (carry), "=qm" (*status), "=c" (*nbsect), "=d" (dummy)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x1500),
+ "d" (disk) /* disk = 0x80..0x8F else old Compaq bug */
+ );
+ return carry;
+extern inline void
+get_drive_info (farptr indirect_ptr, union drive_info *diskinfo)
+ unsigned nbbyte = sizeof(*diskinfo);
+ asm (" pushl %%esi \n"
+ " popw %%si \n"
+ " popw %%fs \n"
+ " pushl %%fs:(%%si) \n"
+ " popw %%si \n"
+ " popw %%fs \n"
+ " cld \n"
+ " rep movsb %%fs:(%%si),%%es:(%%di) \n"
+ : "+S" (indirect_ptr), "+D" (diskinfo), "+c" (nbbyte), "=X" (*diskinfo)
+ );
+extern inline unsigned char
+_BIOSDISK_RWsector (unsigned char drive,
+ unsigned short cylinder, unsigned char head,
+ unsigned char sector, unsigned char nbsector,
+ farptr buffer, const unsigned read)
+ unsigned short result, buggy_bios;
+ asm volatile (" pushl %%es \n"
+ " pushl %%ebx \n"
+ " popw %%bx \n"
+ " popw %%es \n"
+ " stc # buggy BIOSes \n"
+ " int $0x13 # _BIOSDISK_RWsector \n"
+ " sti # buggy BIOSes \n"
+ " popl %%es \n"
+ " setc %%al \n"
+ : "=a" (result), "=d" (buggy_bios)
+ : "a" ((read? 0x0200 : 0x0300) | nbsector),
+ "b" (buffer),
+ "c" ((cylinder << 8) | ((cylinder >> 2) & 0xC0)
+ | (sector & 0x3F)),
+ "d" ((((unsigned short)head) << 8) | drive)
+ );
+ if (result & 0x00FF)
+ return result >> 8;
+ return 0;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned short buffersize;
+ unsigned short infobit;
+ unsigned nbcylinder;
+ unsigned nbhead;
+ unsigned nbsectorpertrack;
+ unsigned long long nbtotalsector;
+ unsigned short bytepersector;
+ /* V2.0+ : */
+ farptr configptr; /* for instance ebiosPhoenix realmode address */
+ /* V3.0+ : */
+ unsigned short signature0xBEDD;
+ unsigned char lendevicepath; /* 0x24 for v3.0 */
+ unsigned char reserved[3];
+ unsigned char bustype[4]; /* exactly "ISA" or "PCI" */
+ unsigned char Interface[8]; /* exactly "ATA", "ATAPI",
+ "SCSI", "USB"... */
+ union interface_path_u {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short addr;
+ unsigned char pad[6];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) isa;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char busnr;
+ unsigned char devicenr;
+ unsigned char functionnr;
+ unsigned char pad[5];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) pci;
+ } bus;
+ union device_path_u {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char slave; /* 0 if master, 1 if slave */
+ unsigned char pad[7];
+ unsigned long long reserved; // Not present in some docs...
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ata;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char slave; /* 0 if master, 1 if slave */
+ unsigned char logical_unit_nr;
+ unsigned char pad[6];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) atapi;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char logical_unit_nr;
+ unsigned char pad[7];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) scsi;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char tobedefined;
+ unsigned char pad[7];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) usb;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long FireWireGeneralUniqueID;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ieee1394;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long WorldWideNumber;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) FibreChannel;
+ } device;
+ unsigned char zero;
+ unsigned char bytechecksum; /* byte sum [0x1E..0x49] = 0 */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) ebiosinfo_t;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned short extended_fct : 1;
+ unsigned short removable : 1;
+ unsigned short enhanced : 1;
+ unsigned short reserved : 13;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) ebios_bitmap_t;
+extern inline unsigned char
+_EBIOSDISK_probe (unsigned char disk, unsigned char *version,
+ unsigned char *extension, ebios_bitmap_t *bitmap)
+ unsigned char carry;
+ unsigned short signat0xAA55;
+ asm (" int $0x13 # _EBIOSDISK_probe \n"
+ " mov %%ah,%1 \n"
+ " mov %%dh,%2 \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (carry), "=qm" (*version), "=qm" (*extension),
+ "=b" (signat0xAA55), "=c" (*bitmap)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x4100), "b" ((unsigned short)0x55AA),
+ "d"(disk)
+ );
+ return carry || (signat0xAA55 != 0xAA55);
+extern inline unsigned char
+_EBIOSDISK_getparam (unsigned char disk, ebiosinfo_t *ebiosinfo,
+ unsigned char *status)
+ unsigned char carry;
+ asm (" int $0x13 # _EBIOSDISK_getparam \n"
+ " mov %%ah,%1 \n"
+ " setc %0 \n"
+ : "=qm" (carry), "=qm" (*status)
+ : "a" ((unsigned short)0x4800), "d" (disk), "S" (ebiosinfo)
+ );
+ return carry;
+ * Well, I do not know what that does, but because it is included in Linux
+ * kernel it has to be GPL - source code given in its most readable form...
+ */
+extern inline void
+_X86SpeedStepSmi (struct X86SpeedStepSmi_s *data)
+ asm(" int $0x15 # _X86SpeedStepSmi "
+ : "=a" (data->data1), "=b" (data->data2),
+ "=c" (data->data3), "=d" (data->data4)
+ : "a" (0x0000E980), "d" (0x47534943) );
+ ** Fill in each of the sub-structures:
+ **/
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_EGA (struct screen_info *screen_info)
+ union EGA_bx_union EGA_bx;
+ struct EGA_cx_str EGA_cx;
+ _EGA_getdisplay(&EGA_bx, &EGA_cx);
+ screen_info->orig_video_ega_bx = EGA_bx.IOaddr_memory;
+ screen_info->orig_video_isVGA = 0;
+ if (EGA_bx.enums.IOaddr == EGA_COLOR_3Dx
+ || EGA_bx.enums.IOaddr == EGA_MONO_3Bx) {
+ unsigned char active_dcc, alternate_dcc;
+ if (_VGA_get_display_combination_code(&active_dcc,
+ &alternate_dcc) == 0)
+ screen_info->orig_video_isVGA = 1;
+ screen_info->orig_video_lines = peekb((farptr)0x00400084) + 1;
+ screen_info->orig_font_height = peekw((farptr)0x00400085);
+ } else { /* EGA_bx.enums.IOaddr unchanged => CGA/MDA/HGA */
+ screen_info->orig_video_lines = 25;
+ screen_info->orig_font_height = 0; /* i.e. invalid */
+ }
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_getcursor (struct screen_info *screen_info)
+#if 1 /* what is the best ? IHMO using the BIOS functions */
+ unsigned char row, col;
+ unsigned char cursorstart, cursorstop;
+ _VGA_getcursor(screen_info->orig_video_page,
+ &row, &col, &cursorstart, &cursorstop);
+ screen_info->orig_x = col;
+ screen_info->orig_y = row;
+ farptr ptr = 0x00400050 + 2 * screen_info->orig_video_page;
+ screen_info->orig_x = peekb(ptr);
+ screen_info->orig_y = peekb(ptr + 1);
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_VGA (struct screen_info *screen_info, int proposed_line)
+ unsigned char mode, nbcol, page;
+ mode = _VGA_getmode(&nbcol, &page);
+ screen_info->orig_video_mode = mode & 0x7F;
+ screen_info->orig_video_cols = nbcol;
+ screen_info->orig_video_page = page; /* not tested if != 0 */
+ if (proposed_line >= 0) {
+ screen_info->orig_y = proposed_line;
+ screen_info->orig_x = 0;
+ } else {
+ vmlinuz_getcursor(screen_info);
+ /* We try not to erase the text written later by Gujin: */
+ screen_info->orig_x = 0;
+ if (screen_info->orig_y + 4 < screen_info->orig_video_lines)
+ screen_info->orig_y += 4;
+ else
+ screen_info->orig_y = screen_info->orig_video_lines - 1;
+ }
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_VESA (struct screen_info *screen_info, unsigned mode)
+ VESA_modeinfo_t modeinfo;
+ if (_VESA_getmodeinfo(&modeinfo, mode & 0x01FF) == 0) {
+ if (modeinfo.MemoryModel == mem_text
+ && modeinfo.NumberOfPlanes == 4) {
+ /* correct some buggy video BIOS: */
+ modeinfo.BytesPerScanLine = 2 * modeinfo.XResolution;
+ modeinfo.BitsPerPixel = 4;
+ }
+ if (modeinfo.MemoryModel == mem_text)
+ screen_info->lfb_base = 0xB8000;
+ else if (modeinfo.ModeAttributes.linear_framebuffer_supported) {
+ /* no text modes with linear framebuffer */
+ screen_info->orig_video_isVGA = 0x23;
+ screen_info->lfb_base = modeinfo.PhysBasePtr;
+ } else
+ screen_info->lfb_base = 0xA0000;
+ screen_info->lfb_linelength = modeinfo.BytesPerScanLine;
+ screen_info->lfb_width = modeinfo.XResolution;
+ screen_info->lfb_height = modeinfo.YResolution;
+ screen_info->lfb_depth = modeinfo.BitsPerPixel;
+ screen_info->lfb_pages = modeinfo.NumberOfImagePages;
+ screen_info->vesa_attrib = modeinfo.ModeAttributes;
+ screen_info->layout = modeinfo.layout;
+ } else
+ screen_info->lfb_base = 0;
+CODE static void
+vmlinuz_VIDEO (struct screen_info *screen_info, unsigned short *acpi_vidmode,
+ int proposed_line)
+ VESA_VbeInfoBlock infoblock;
+ vmlinuz_EGA(screen_info);
+ vmlinuz_VGA(screen_info, proposed_line);
+ *acpi_vidmode = screen_info->orig_video_mode;
+ /* normaly only for graphic modes: */
+ if (_VESA_getinfo(&infoblock) == 0) {
+ unsigned short mode, len;
+ farptr addr;
+ screen_info->lfb_size = infoblock.TotalMemory;
+ if (_VESA_getmode(&mode) == 0) {
+ vmlinuz_VESA(screen_info, mode);
+ *acpi_vidmode = mode;
+#if 0 /* After doing that, we should program again the DAC with the right values... */
+ /* Linux do not manage text modes and DAC 8 bits: */
+ if (screen_info->lfb_base != 0xB8000
+ && screen_info->lfb_depth <= 8
+ && infoblock.Capabilities.DAC8bit_present) {
+ if (_VESA_setDACwidth (8) == 0) {
+ screen_info->layout = (const struct vesa_color_layout_str){
+ {8, 0}, {8, 0}, {8, 0}, {8, 0}};
+ }
+ else {
+ screen_info->layout = (const struct vesa_color_layout_str){
+ {6, 0}, {6, 0}, {6, 0}, {6, 0}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Note: We can have a PM interface even if getmodeinfo
+ failed, for instance if we are in text mode 3 */
+ if (_VESA_GetPMinterface(&addr, &len) == 0) {
+ screen_info->vesapm_seg = addr >> 16;
+ screen_info->vesapm_off = addr & 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ }
+CODE static inline unsigned short vmlinuz_EXT_MEM_K (void)
+ unsigned short EXT_MEM_K;
+ if (_BIOS_getExtendedMemory(&EXT_MEM_K) != 0 || EXT_MEM_K == 0)
+ EXT_MEM_K = (((unsigned short)getnvram(0x18)) << 8)
+ + getnvram(0x17);
+ return EXT_MEM_K;
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_APM (struct apm_bios_info *apm_bios_info)
+ if (_APM_installation_check(&apm_bios_info->version,
+ &apm_bios_info->flags) == 0) {
+ _APM_disconnect(); /* ignore possible error */
+ if ((apm_bios_info->flags & 2) == 0) {
+ /* no 32 bits support, ignore APM */
+ } else if (_APM_connect_32bit(&apm_bios_info->cseg,
+ &apm_bios_info->offset,
+ &apm_bios_info->cseg_16,
+ &apm_bios_info->dseg,
+ &apm_bios_info->cseg_len,
+ &apm_bios_info->dseg_len) != 0) {
+ apm_bios_info->flags &= ~2; /* remove 32bits support */
+ } else {
+ /* Redo the installation check as the 32 bit connect
+ modifies the flags returned on some BIOSs : */
+ if (_APM_installation_check(&apm_bios_info->version,
+ &apm_bios_info->flags) != 0) {
+ apm_bios_info->flags &= ~2;
+ _APM_disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_CONFIG (struct sys_desc_table_info *sys_desc_table)
+ farptr adr = _BIOS_getConfiguration();
+ if (adr != 0)
+ get_bios_conf(adr, sys_desc_table);
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_EDID (VBE_EDID_t *edid_data)
+ if (_EDID_detect() != 0 || _EDID_read(edid_data) != 0) {
+ unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)edid_data;
+ unsigned cpt = sizeof(VBE_EDID_t);
+ /* failed, reset complete area: */
+ while (--cpt)
+ *ptr++ = 0x13;
+ }
+CODE static inline unsigned
+vmlinuz_E820 (struct e820map_info *e820map, unsigned e820map_bufsize)
+ unsigned bufsize = e820map_bufsize, cont_val = 0, actual_len;
+ /* Use that to avoid data in .rodata with GCC-2.95.3: */
+ unsigned element_size = sizeof(struct e820map_info);
+ while ( bufsize >= element_size
+ && (actual_len = _BIOS_QueryMemoryMap(&cont_val,
+ bufsize, e820map)) != 0
+ && cont_val != 0) {
+ bufsize -= actual_len;
+ e820map = (void *)e820map + actual_len;
+ }
+ return (e820map_bufsize - bufsize) / element_size;
+CODE static inline unsigned
+vmlinuz_MBRSIG (unsigned *MBRSIG, unsigned total_MBRSIG_entries)
+ unsigned buffer[512 / sizeof(unsigned)], cpt;
+#define EDD_MBR_SIG_OFFSET 0x1B8 /* offset of signature in the MBR */
+ for (cpt = 0; cpt < total_MBRSIG_entries; cpt++) {
+ if (_BIOSDISK_RWsector(0x80 + cpt, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+ stack_farptr(buffer), 1) != 0)
+ return cpt;
+ *MBRSIG++ = buffer[EDD_MBR_SIG_OFFSET / sizeof(unsigned)];
+ }
+ return cpt;
+CODE static inline unsigned
+vmlinuz_EDD (struct edd_info *edd, unsigned total_EDD_entries)
+ unsigned cpt, eddcpt;
+ for (cpt = eddcpt = 0; cpt < 16 && eddcpt < total_EDD_entries; cpt++) {
+ unsigned char extension, status;
+ unsigned short tmpcx, tmpdx;
+ farptr DBTadr;
+ unsigned char CmosDriveType, stat;
+ struct edd_info *eddptr = &edd[eddcpt];
+ if (_EBIOSDISK_probe(0x80 + cpt, &eddptr->version, &extension,
+ (ebios_bitmap_t *) &eddptr->interface_support))
+ continue;
+ eddptr->device = 0x80 + cpt;
+ eddptr->params.length = sizeof(eddptr->params);
+ eddptr->params.info_flags = 0; /* buggy BIOS ? */
+ /* Don't check for fail return, it doesn't matter: */
+ _EBIOSDISK_getparam(0x80 + cpt,
+ (ebiosinfo_t *) &eddptr->params, &status);
+ if (_BIOSDISK_getparam(0x80 + cpt, &tmpcx, &tmpdx,
+ &DBTadr, &CmosDriveType, &stat) != 0) {
+ eddptr->max_cyl = 0;
+ eddptr->max_sect = eddptr->max_head = 0;
+ } else {
+ eddptr->max_head = tmpdx >> 8;
+ eddptr->max_sect = tmpcx & 0x3F;
+ eddptr->max_cyl = ((tmpcx & 0xC0) << 2) | (tmpcx >> 8);
+ }
+ eddcpt++;
+ }
+ return eddcpt;
+ ** Command line stuff:
+ **/
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_CMDLINE (char *command_line, const unsigned char *proposed_cmdline,
+ farptr extra_cmdline_farptr,
+ const char *cmdline_name, const char *cmdline_extraparam)
+ char *cmdptr = command_line;
+ /* insert at beginning the name of the uncompressed GZIP file: */
+ if (cmdline_name && *cmdline_name) {
+ do
+ *cmdptr++ = *cmdline_name++;
+ while (*cmdline_name);
+ *cmdptr++ = ' ';
+ }
+ /* insert then: console=ttyS?,9600,n,7 or video=vesa,
+ keyboard=??, NumLock=on/off, mouse=/dev/psaux,
+ COLS=, LINES= proposed by Gujin */
+ if (proposed_cmdline && *proposed_cmdline) {
+ do
+ *cmdptr++ = *proposed_cmdline++;
+ while (*proposed_cmdline);
+ *cmdptr++ = ' ';
+ }
+ /* Add nearby end the Gujin gujin_param.extra_cmdline field: */
+ /* We assume there gujin_param.extra_cmdline is correctly zero terminated */
+ /* Note: we will have "root=" parameter from Gujin setup screen first,
+ so that if the one in the GZIP comment if erroneous, we can just
+ overwrite it with the Gujin setup (TOCHECK: when two "root=" are
+ given on the command line, only the first one is taken) */
+ if (extra_cmdline_farptr != 0 && peekb(extra_cmdline_farptr) != 0) {
+ *cmdptr++ = ' '; /* two spaces as separator */
+ for (;;) {
+ *cmdptr = peekb(extra_cmdline_farptr++);
+ if (*cmdptr < ' ') { /* stop at \0, \n, \r or \t */
+ *cmdptr = '\0';
+ break;
+ }
+ cmdptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* add at end the params in the comment part of the GZIP file: */
+ /* This may or may not stop at the first newline */
+ if (cmdline_extraparam && *cmdline_extraparam) {
+ *cmdptr++ = ' ';
+ do
+ *cmdptr++ = *cmdline_extraparam++;
+ while (*cmdline_extraparam != 0 && *cmdline_extraparam != '\n');
+ }
+ *cmdptr = '\0';
+struct desc_str;
+struct gpl_compliant_str;
+CODE static inline void
+vmlinuz_DISKS (union drive_info *drive1, union drive_info *drive2)
+ unsigned nbsect;
+ unsigned char status, disk = 0x80;
+ union drive_info *drive = drive1;
+ farptr vectoradr = (farptr)(0x41 * 4);
+ while (disk <= 0x81) {
+ if (_BIOSDISK_gettype (disk, &nbsect, &status) == 0)
+ get_drive_info (vectoradr, drive);
+ disk++;
+ vectoradr = (farptr)(0x46 * 4);
+ drive = drive2;
+ }
+ ** THE function:
+ **/
+struct LOADER_str {
+ unsigned short sizeof_loader_str, sizeof_fileload_str;
+ struct fileload_str {
+ /* input: */
+ unsigned load_address, max_size;
+ /* only for XMS use: */
+ unsigned short handle, KBalloced;
+ /* For reference: */
+ unsigned BOOTWAY_desc_index;
+ /* output: */
+ unsigned compressed_size, uncompressed_size;
+ } fileload[3], *curfileload; /* kernel and initrd */
+ int initrd_index;
+ unsigned short minor_major_root;
+ unsigned short license_compliant;
+ unsigned vmlinuz_byte_treated; /* header + kernel GZIP */
+ unsigned base_real_fct; /* linear address inside uncompressed kernel */
+ unsigned handle_real_fct;
+ unsigned accept_uncompressed_initrd_filesize;
+ unsigned reserved[6];
+ /* Initialised from the "comment" line of the GZIP file */
+ union {
+ unsigned array[32];
+ struct {
+ unsigned NONGPL_productID;
+ unsigned NONGPL_productNB;
+ unsigned min_gujin_version; /* 0x100 for 1.0 */
+ unsigned late_relocation_address;
+ unsigned runadr;
+ unsigned paramadr; /* usually 0x00080000 */
+ unsigned realfct_size; /* in bytes */
+ unsigned minram; /* in kilobytes */
+ unsigned option;
+ unsigned maskcpu;
+ unsigned maskDflags; /* request those bits set,
+ cpuid 0x00000001 in edx (usual) */
+ unsigned maskCflags; /* request those bits set,
+ cpuid 0x00000001 in ecx (new) */
+ unsigned maskBflags; /* unused on PCs */
+ unsigned maskAflags; /* request those bits set,
+ cpuid 0x80000001 */
+ unsigned maskvesa; /* if bit (8-1) set,
+ VESA 8BPP supported */
+ unsigned maskresolution; /* bit set => exclude
+ those modes */
+ } elem;
+ } comment;
+ /* related to Linux version: */
+ char cmdline_extraparam[512];
+ char cmdline_name[128];
+CODE __attribute__ ((cdecl, regparm(0))) unsigned
+linux_set_params (unsigned local_return_address,
+ unsigned totalmem,
+ struct loader_t bootloader_type,
+ struct linux_param *LnxParam,
+ const struct LOADER_str *loader,
+ const struct gpl_compliant_str *togpl,
+ const struct desc_str *system_desc,
+ int proposed_row,
+ char **stringptr,
+ unsigned char *proposed_cmdline)
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned nb_slash_in_kernelname = 0;
+ test_linux_param_struct();
+ vmlinuz_VIDEO (&LnxParam->screen_info, &LnxParam->in_out.vid_mode,
+ proposed_row);
+ /* Just needed for old kernels, before 2.2.x: */
+ LnxParam->screen_info.EXT_MEM_K = vmlinuz_EXT_MEM_K();
+ /* old Command Line magic for 2.2- kernels: */
+ LnxParam->screen_info.CL_MAGIC = 0xA33F;
+ LnxParam->screen_info.CL_OFFSET = offsetof(struct linux_param,
+ command_line);
+ /* New Command Line magic for 2.4+ kernels: */
+ LnxParam->in_out.cmd_line_ptr = loader->comment.elem.paramadr
+ + offsetof (struct linux_param, command_line);
+// LnxParam->in_out.header_signature.longword = { { 'H', 'd', 'r', 'S' } };
+ LnxParam->in_out.header_version_number = 0x0202;
+ LnxParam->in_out.ramdisk_image = loader->fileload[1].load_address;
+ LnxParam->in_out.ramdisk_size = loader->fileload[1].uncompressed_size;
+ LnxParam->in_out.type_of_loader = bootloader_type;
+ LnxParam->ALT_MEM_K = totalmem;
+ vmlinuz_APM (&LnxParam->apm_bios_info);
+ _X86SpeedStepSmi (&LnxParam->X86SpeedStepSmi);
+ vmlinuz_DISKS (&LnxParam->drive1, &LnxParam->drive2);
+ vmlinuz_CONFIG (&LnxParam->sys_desc_table);
+ /* do vmlinuz_EDID() before vmlinuz_E820() so that if the later
+ function describes more than 18 (and less than 32) blocks of memory,
+ the more important information erases the less important one.
+ Since 2.6.12 there isn't any overwrite problem.*/
+ vmlinuz_EDID (&LnxParam->edid_data);
+ LnxParam->nb_E820_entries = vmlinuz_E820 (LnxParam->e820map,
+ sizeof(LnxParam->e820map));
+ /* Now the command line stuff: */
+ vmlinuz_CMDLINE (LnxParam->command_line, proposed_cmdline,
+ *(farptr *)stringptr,
+ loader->cmdline_name, loader->cmdline_extraparam);
+ for (ptr = LnxParam->command_line; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
+ /* Do not try to be intelligent and do a 32 bits compare,
+ it will generate constant in .rodata.str1.1 or .rodata
+ with a version of GCC or another. */
+ if (ptr[0] == 'e' && ptr[1] == 'd' && ptr[2] == 'd'
+ && ptr[3] == '=')
+ break;
+ }
+ /* I do not know about edd=skipmbr, if there is a read error
+ Gujin will not even boot up to there... */
+ if (*ptr == '\0' || ptr[4] != 'o' || ptr[5] != 'f' || ptr[6] != 'f') {
+ LnxParam->nb_MBRSIG_entries = vmlinuz_MBRSIG (LnxParam->MBRSIG,
+ sizeof(LnxParam->MBRSIG)/sizeof(LnxParam->MBRSIG[0]));
+ LnxParam->nb_EDD_entries = vmlinuz_EDD (LnxParam->edd,
+ sizeof(LnxParam->edd)/sizeof(LnxParam->edd[0]));
+ }
+ for (ptr = LnxParam->command_line; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
+#define endparam(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\n' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\0')
+ if (ptr[0] == 'r' && (ptr[1] == 'w' || ptr[1] == 'o')
+ && endparam(ptr[2])) {
+ LnxParam->in_out.root_flags.read_only
+ = (ptr[1] == 'w')? 0 : 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ while (!endparam(*ptr))
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (loader->cmdline_name)
+ for (ptr = (unsigned char *)loader->cmdline_name;
+ *ptr != '\0';
+ ptr++)
+ if (*ptr == '/')
+ nb_slash_in_kernelname++;
+ test_vgaprint();
+ *stringptr = 0; /* Gujin will not print anything by default */
+// *stringptr = LnxParam->command_line;
+ return 0;
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c 2005-09-30 23:17:35.000000000 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/setup.c 2005-10-04 15:45:57.042050192 +0200
@@ -706,6 +706,18 @@ static void __init parse_cmdline_early (
/* Save unparsed command line copy for /proc/cmdline */
saved_command_line[COMMAND_LINE_SIZE-1] = '\0';
+ /*
+ * If the command line begin with '/', it is the filename of the
+ * kernel file - like a shell command line. That can be used to
+ * deduce where root was located when the kernel was compiled,
+ * inside a directory of root named /boot, inside a small partition
+ * mounted on a directory of root named /boot or in the root
+ * directory itself.
+ */
+ if (*from == '/')
+ while (*from != ' ' && *from != '\t' && *from != '\n' && *from != '\0')
+ from++;
for (;;) {
if (c != ' ')
goto next_char;
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/arch/i386/kernel/ 2005-09-30 23:17:35.000000000 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/arch/i386/kernel/ 2005-10-04 15:45:57.089043048 +0200
@@ -11,9 +11,39 @@
OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
+EXTERN(__ERROR) /* Force a link error if function __ERROR() is ever called */
+NOCROSSREFS(.realmode .text)
+NOCROSSREFS(.realmode .data)
+NOCROSSREFS(.realmode .rodata)
jiffies = jiffies_64;
+ /* realmode BIOS (initialisation only) boot code/data area.
+ * Here, segment .code16 is relocatable but .data16 is not.
+ * To see the assembler of compiled file realmode.c:
+ * objdump -D -m i8086 arch/i386/kernel/realmode.o
+ * objdump -d --section=.realmode -m i8086 vmlinux
+ */
+ .realmode 0 : AT (_end - LOAD_OFFSET) {
+ *(.init.text16)
+ . = ALIGN(16);
+ _sdata16 = .;
+ *(.rodata16* .data16 .bss16)
+ . = ALIGN(16);
+ _edata16 = .; /* maximum 0x1000 i.e. 4 Kb limit */
+ *(.text16)
+ . = ALIGN(16);
+ _end16 = .;
+ /* This may be used one day - keep a 16 bytes block at end of file: */
+ LONG(0)
+ LONG(SIZEOF (.realmode))
+ LONG(ADDR (.realmode))
+ BYTE(0x42) /* 'B' */
+ BYTE(0x49) /* 'I' */
+ BYTE(0x4F) /* 'O' */
+ BYTE(0x53) /* 'S' */
+ } = 0x9090
phys_startup_32 = startup_32 - LOAD_OFFSET;
/* read-only */
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/include/asm-i386/realmode.h linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/include/asm-i386/realmode.h
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/include/asm-i386/realmode.h 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/include/asm-i386/realmode.h 2005-10-04 15:45:57.091042744 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+ * This file "realmode.h" is licensed with the same license as the Linux
+ * kernel, and anyway the mapping of the data structure produced is owned
+ * by Linux kernel copyright owner(s) - for a long time.
+ * More information in the "realmode.c" file.
+ *
+ * First version has been written by Etienne Lorrain in December 2004.
+ * This patch cannot really be applied to Linux-2.11 and before without
+ * loosing the EDD and EDID infomation which moved in Linux-2.6.12
+ */
+/* 16 bits segment in MSB, 16 bits offset in LSB: */
+typedef unsigned farptr;
+#define offsetof(type, field) ((unsigned)(&(((type *)0)->field)))
+ * This shall always be optimised away because the test has to be false,
+ * it shall produce an error in the build process.
+ * Corresponding line to the linker file '': EXTERN(__ERROR)
+ */
+void __ERROR(void);
+ ** Mapping of the total structure exchanged in between the BIOS
+ ** boot code (in real mode) and the Linux kernel (in protected mode):
+ **
+ ** Some of those structures have to be put back in their corresponding
+ ** file - they are here until the big cleaning process begin...
+ **/
+struct screen_info { /* stolen^Wckeckout from linux/include/linux/tty.h */
+ unsigned char orig_x;
+ unsigned char orig_y;
+ unsigned short EXT_MEM_K; /* general info */
+ unsigned char undefined;
+ unsigned char orig_video_page;
+ unsigned char orig_video_mode;
+ unsigned char orig_video_cols;
+ unsigned short unused2;
+ unsigned short orig_video_ega_bx;
+ unsigned short unused3;
+ unsigned char orig_video_lines;
+ unsigned char orig_video_isVGA;
+ unsigned short orig_font_height;
+ /* VESA graphic mode -- linear frame buffer */
+ unsigned short lfb_width;
+ unsigned short lfb_height;
+ unsigned short lfb_depth;
+ unsigned lfb_base;
+ unsigned lfb_size;
+ unsigned short CL_MAGIC; /* 0xA33F, general info */
+ unsigned short CL_OFFSET; /* general info */
+ unsigned short lfb_linelength;
+ struct vesa_color_layout_str {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char MaskSize;
+ unsigned char FieldPosition;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) Red, Green, Blue, Rsvd;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) layout;
+ unsigned short vesapm_seg;
+ unsigned short vesapm_off;
+ unsigned short lfb_pages;
+ struct vesa_mode_attribute_str {
+ /* VESA: */
+ unsigned short mode_supported : 1; /* e.g. enought RAM for it */
+ unsigned short optional_info_available : 1;
+ unsigned short BIOS_output_supported : 1;
+ unsigned short color_mode : 1; /* else monochrome */
+ unsigned short graphic_mode : 1; /* else text mode */
+ /* VBE 2.0: */
+ unsigned short mode_not_VGA_compatible : 1;
+ unsigned short no_VGA_compatible_window : 1;
+ unsigned short linear_framebuffer_supported : 1;
+ unsigned short reserved : 8;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) vesa_attrib;
+ /* 0x36 -- 0x3f reserved for future expansion */
+ unsigned char reserved[10];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct apm_bios_info {
+ unsigned short version;
+ unsigned short cseg;
+ unsigned offset;
+ unsigned short cseg_16;
+ unsigned short dseg;
+ unsigned short flags;
+ unsigned short cseg_len;
+ unsigned short unused; /* cseg_16_len */
+ unsigned short dseg_len;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* See probe_cmos_for_drives() in linux/drivers/ide/ide-geometry.c */
+/* rarely used, also check for CMOS address 0x12 (int 0x41, 0x46) */
+union drive_info {
+ struct FDPT_str {
+ unsigned short phy_cyl;
+ unsigned char phy_head;
+ unsigned short start_reduced_write_current_cyl; /* PC XT only */
+ unsigned short start_write_precomp_cyl;
+ unsigned char max_ECC_burst_length; /* PC XT only */
+ union drive_ctl_byte_u {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char drive_step_speed:3;
+ unsigned char unused:3;
+ unsigned char disable_ecc_retry:1;
+ unsigned char disable_access_retry:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) xt;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char unused:1;
+ unsigned char disable_irq:1; /* 0 */
+ unsigned char no_reset:1; /* 0 */
+ unsigned char more_than_8_heads:1;
+ unsigned char always_0:1;
+ unsigned char manuf_defect_map_on_maxcyl:1; /* AT + */
+ unsigned char disable_ecc_retry:1;
+ unsigned char disable_access_retry:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) at;
+ unsigned char all;
+ } drive_ctl_byte;
+ unsigned char standard_timeout; /* PC XT only */
+ unsigned char formating_timeout; /* PC XT only */
+ unsigned char check_drive_timeout; /* PC XT only */
+ unsigned short landing_zone_cylinder; /* PC AT+ */
+ unsigned char phy_sect; /* PC AT+ */
+ unsigned char reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) fdpt;
+ /* For translating BIOSes: */
+ struct EDPT_str {
+ unsigned short log_cyl; /* max 1024 */
+ unsigned char log_head; /* max 256 */
+ unsigned char signature_0xA0;
+ unsigned char phy_sect;
+ unsigned short start_write_precomp_cyl; /* obsolete */
+ unsigned char reserved;
+ union drive_ctl_byte_u drive_ctl_byte;
+ unsigned short phy_cyl; /* max 65536 */
+ unsigned char phy_head; /* max 16 */
+ unsigned short landing_zone_cylinder; /* obsolete */
+ unsigned char log_sect; /* max 63 */
+ unsigned char checksum;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) edpt;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct sys_desc_table_info {
+ unsigned short length;
+ unsigned char table[14];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct in_out_info {
+ unsigned char setup_sects; /* default 4 */
+ struct {
+ unsigned short read_only:1;
+ unsigned short unused:15;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) root_flags;
+ unsigned short kernel_compressed_size; /* 16 bytes unit, rounded up */
+ unsigned short swap_dev; /* 0 */
+ struct {
+ unsigned short size:11;
+ unsigned short unused:3;
+ unsigned short load:1; /* separate disk */
+ unsigned short prompt:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ramdisk; /* RAMDISK, default 0 */
+ unsigned short vid_mode; /* Store mode for use in acpi_wakeup.S */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char minor_root; /* ROOT_DEV */
+ unsigned char major_root; /* ROOT_DEV */
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) fields;
+ unsigned short minor_major;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) root;
+ unsigned char AUX_DEVICE_INFO; /* ignored */
+ unsigned char jmp_trampoline[3];
+ union {
+ unsigned char bytes[4]; /* "HdrS" */
+ unsigned longword;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) header_signature;
+ unsigned short header_version_number; /* 0x0202 */
+ unsigned short realmode_swtch[2]; /* hook to plug in a A20-open func */
+ unsigned short start_sys_seg; /* SYSSEG */
+ unsigned short kernel_version; /* char pointer */
+ struct loader_t {
+ enum { LILO = 0, Loadlin, bootsect,
+ } type:4;
+ unsigned char version:4;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) type_of_loader;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char LOADED_HIGH:1;
+ unsigned char unused:6;
+ unsigned char CAN_USE_HEAP:1; /* heap_end_ptr is set */
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) loadflags;
+ unsigned short setup_move_size; /* 0x8000 */
+ unsigned code32_start;
+ unsigned ramdisk_image;
+ unsigned ramdisk_size; /* in bytes */
+ unsigned short bootsect_kludge[2];
+ unsigned short heap_end_ptr; /* modelist+1024, version >= 0x0201 */
+ unsigned short pad1;
+ unsigned cmd_line_ptr; /* default 0x90800, version >= 0x0202 */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct e820map_info {
+ long long addr; /* start of memory segment */
+ long long size; /* size of memory segment */
+ long type; /* type of memory segment */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct edd_device_params {
+ unsigned short length;
+ unsigned short info_flags;
+ unsigned num_default_cylinders;
+ unsigned num_default_heads;
+ unsigned sectors_per_track;
+ unsigned long long number_of_sectors;
+ unsigned short bytes_per_sector;
+ unsigned dpte_ptr; /* 0xFFFFFFFF for our purposes */
+ unsigned short key; /* = 0xBEDD */
+ unsigned char device_path_info_length; /* = 44 */
+ unsigned char reserved2;
+ unsigned short reserved3;
+ unsigned char host_bus_type[4];
+ unsigned char interface_type[8];
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short base_address;
+ unsigned short reserved1;
+ unsigned reserved2;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) isa;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char bus;
+ unsigned char slot;
+ unsigned char function;
+ unsigned char channel;
+ unsigned reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) pci;
+ /* pcix is same as pci */
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ibnd;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) xprs;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) htpt;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) unknown;
+ } interface_path;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char device;
+ unsigned char reserved1;
+ unsigned short reserved2;
+ unsigned reserved3;
+ unsigned long long reserved4;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) ata;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char device;
+ unsigned char lun;
+ unsigned char reserved1;
+ unsigned char reserved2;
+ unsigned reserved3;
+ unsigned long long reserved4;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) atapi;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short id;
+ unsigned long long lun;
+ unsigned short reserved1;
+ unsigned reserved2;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) scsi;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long serial_number;
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) usb;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long eui;
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) i1394;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long wwid;
+ unsigned long long lun;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) fibre;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long identity_tag;
+ unsigned long long reserved;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) i2o;
+ struct {
+ unsigned array_number;
+ unsigned reserved1;
+ unsigned long long reserved2;
+ } __attribute((packed)) raid;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char device;
+ unsigned char reserved1;
+ unsigned short reserved2;
+ unsigned reserved3;
+ unsigned long long reserved4;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) sata;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long long reserved1;
+ unsigned long long reserved2;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) unknown;
+ } device_path;
+ unsigned char reserved4;
+ unsigned char checksum;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct edd_info {
+ unsigned char device;
+ unsigned char version;
+ unsigned short interface_support;
+ unsigned short max_cyl;
+ unsigned char max_head;
+ unsigned char max_sect;
+ struct edd_device_params params;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned char padding[8];
+ struct {
+ unsigned short padding:1; /* mapping right ? */
+ unsigned short first_letter:5;
+ unsigned short second_letter:5;
+ unsigned short third_letter:5;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) manufacturer_id;
+ unsigned short monitor_model;
+ unsigned serial_number;
+ unsigned char manufacture_week;
+ unsigned char manufacture_year; /* base: 1990 */
+ unsigned char version;
+ unsigned char revision;
+ unsigned char video_input_type; /* bitfield */
+ unsigned char max_horizontal_size_cm;
+ unsigned char max_vertical_size_cm;
+ unsigned char gamma_factor; /* gamma = 1.0 + gamma_factor/100 */
+ struct {
+ unsigned char unused:3;
+ unsigned char RBGcolor:1;
+ unsigned char unused2:1;
+ unsigned char active_off_supported:1;
+ unsigned char suspend_supported:1;
+ unsigned char standby_supported:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) DPMS;
+ unsigned char chroma_green_and_red;
+ unsigned char chroma_white_and_blue;
+ unsigned char chroma_red_Y;
+ unsigned char chroma_red_X;
+ unsigned char chroma_green_Y;
+ unsigned char chroma_green_X;
+ unsigned char chroma_blue_Y;
+ unsigned char chroma_blue_X;
+ unsigned char chroma_white_Y;
+ unsigned char chroma_white_X;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short _720_400_70Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _720_400_88Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _640_480_60Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _640_480_67Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _640_480_72Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _640_480_75Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _800_600_56Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _800_600_60Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _800_600_72Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _800_600_75Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _832_624_75Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _1024_768_i87Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _1024_768_60Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _1024_768_70Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _1024_768_75Hz:1;
+ unsigned short _1280_1024_75Hz:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) established_timming;
+ unsigned char manufacturer_timming;
+ struct {
+ unsigned short resolution:8; /* X resolution = (field+31)*8 */
+ unsigned short vertical_refresh_freq:6; /* add 60Hz */
+ unsigned short aspect_ratio:2; /* 01: 0.75 */
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) standard_timming[8];
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short wordmarker_0;
+ unsigned char bytemarker_0;
+ enum { serial_number = 0xFF,
+ vendor_name = 0xFE,
+ vertical_horizontal_frequency_range = 0xFD,
+ model_name = 0xFC
+// RB Interrupt List say that but I read something else...
+// } str_type : 8;
+// char string[14];
+ } str_type:16;
+ char string[13];
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) strings;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char horizontal_freq_Khz; /* != 0 */
+ unsigned char vertical_freq_Hz; /* != 0 */
+ unsigned char horizontal_active_time_pix; /* != 0 */
+ unsigned char horizontal_blanking_time_pix;
+ unsigned char horizontal_active2_time;
+ unsigned char vertical_active_time_line;
+ unsigned char vertical_blanking_time_line;
+ unsigned char vertical_active_time2;
+ unsigned char horizontal_sync_offset;
+ unsigned char horizontal_sync_pulsewidth_pix;
+ unsigned char vertical_sync_pulsewidth;
+ unsigned char horizontal_vertical_sync_offset2;
+ unsigned char horizontal_image_size_mm;
+ unsigned char vertical_image_size_mm;
+ unsigned char horizontal_image_size_2;
+ unsigned char horizontal_border_pix;
+ unsigned char vertical_border_pix;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char unused:1;
+ unsigned char horizontal_sync_pol:1;
+ unsigned char vertical_sync_pol:1;
+ unsigned char sync_type:2;
+ enum { no_sound, stereo_right,
+ stereo_left, undefined
+ } sound:2;
+ unsigned char interlaced:1;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) display_t;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) timmings;
+ } __attribute__ ((packed)) detailed_timming[4];
+ unsigned char unused;
+ unsigned char checksum;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) VBE_EDID_t;
+struct X86SpeedStepSmi_s {
+ unsigned data1, data2, data3, data4;
+struct EFI_s { /* still not initialised in Gujin-1.2! */
+ unsigned system_table_pointer;
+ unsigned memory_descriptor_size;
+ unsigned memory_descriptor_version;
+ unsigned memory_descriptor_map_pointer;
+ unsigned memory_descriptor_map_size;
+ * The complete version - and its offset tester:
+ */
+struct linux_param {
+ struct screen_info screen_info;
+ struct apm_bios_info apm_bios_info;
+ unsigned char free1[12];
+ struct X86SpeedStepSmi_s X86SpeedStepSmi;
+ unsigned char free2[16];
+ union drive_info drive1, drive2;
+ struct sys_desc_table_info sys_desc_table;
+ unsigned char free3[144];
+ VBE_EDID_t edid_data;
+ unsigned unused;
+ struct EFI_s EFI;
+ unsigned char free4[8];
+ unsigned ALT_MEM_K;
+ unsigned char free5[4];
+ unsigned char nb_E820_entries;
+ unsigned char nb_EDD_entries;
+ unsigned char nb_MBRSIG_entries;
+ unsigned char free6[6];
+ /* 512 bytes bootsector limit */
+ /* "in_out" is mostly init'ed in vmlinuz file: */
+ struct in_out_info in_out;
+ unsigned char free7[100];
+ unsigned MBRSIG[16];
+ struct e820map_info e820map[64]; /* 20 bytes each */
+ unsigned char free8[48];
+ unsigned char command_line[1024];
+ unsigned char free9[256];
+ struct edd_info edd[6];
+ unsigned char free10[276];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+extern inline void test_linux_param_struct(void)
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, screen_info.EXT_MEM_K) != 0x02)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, apm_bios_info) != 0x40)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, X86SpeedStepSmi) != 96)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, drive1) != 0x80)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, drive2) != 0x80 + 16)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, sys_desc_table) != 0xA0)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, edid_data) != 0x140)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, ALT_MEM_K) != 0x1E0)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, nb_E820_entries) != 0x1E8)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, nb_EDD_entries) != 0x1E9)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.setup_sects) != 0x1F1)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.root_flags) != 0x1F2)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.kernel_compressed_size) != 0x1F4)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.swap_dev) != 0x1F6)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.header_version_number) != 0x206)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.code32_start) != 0x214)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, in_out.heap_end_ptr) != 0x224)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, MBRSIG) != 0x290)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, e820map) != 0x2D0)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, command_line) != 0x800)
+ __ERROR();
+ if (offsetof(struct linux_param, edd) != 0xd00)
+ __ERROR();
diff -uprN -X linux-2.6.14-rc3/Documentation/dontdiff -x '*.orig' -x '*.cmd' -x '.tmp*' -x '*.o' -x '*.ko' -x '*.a' -x '*.so' -x '.config*' -x asm-offsets.s -x asm_offsets.h -x -x -x '*.mod.c' -x Module.symvers -x consolemap_deftbl.c -x defkeymap.c -x classlist.h -x devlist.h -x asm -x md -x scsi -x logo -x config -x .version -x -x elfconfig.h -x -x -x lex.zconf.c -x compile.h -x config_data.h -x version.h -x crc32table.h -x autoconf.h -x gen-devlist -x initramfs_list linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/Makefile linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.14-rc3-1/Makefile 2005-10-04 15:45:27.120598944 +0200
+++ linux-2.6.14-rc3-2/Makefile 2005-10-04 15:45:57.093042440 +0200
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ STRIP = $(CROSS_COMPILE)strip
AWK = awk
+GZIP = gzip
GENKSYMS = scripts/genksyms/genksyms
DEPMOD = /sbin/depmod
KALLSYMS = scripts/kallsyms
@@ -341,7 +342,23 @@ AFLAGS_MODULE = $(MODFLAGS)
+OBJCOPYFLAGS := -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S
+# Pamareters to add to the GZIP comment of the %.kgz target:
+ifdef ROOT
+# ROOT is present on command line or in environment (unusual case),
+# do not autodetect it at boot time:
+ifeq ($(ROOT),auto)
+# Command line is like "make /boot/linux-2.6.10.kgz ROOT=auto",
+# get value from /proc/cmdline (which can be more than one line):
+LINUX_ROOT = `sed '/root=/s/.*\(root=[_/.a-z0-9A-Z]*\).*/\1/' /proc/cmdline`
+# Command line is like "make /boot/linux-2.6.10.kgz ROOT=/dev/sda6"
+LINUX_ROOT = "root=$(ROOT)"
# Use LINUXINCLUDE when you must reference the include/ directory.
# Needed to be compatible with the O= option
@@ -761,11 +778,54 @@ debug_kallsyms: .tmp_map$(last_kallsyms)
endif # ifdef CONFIG_KALLSYMS
-# vmlinux image - including updated kernel symbols
+# vmlinux ELF image - including updated kernel symbols
vmlinux: $(vmlinux-lds) $(vmlinux-init) $(vmlinux-main) $(kallsyms.o) FORCE
$(call if_changed_rule,vmlinux__)
$(Q)rm -f .old_version
+# vmlinux binary image
+quiet_cmd_objcopy = OBJCOPY $@
+ cmd_objcopy = $(OBJCOPY) $(OBJCOPYFLAGS) $< $@
+vmlinux.bin: vmlinux FORCE
+ $(call if_changed,objcopy)
+# compressed vmlinux binary image
+quiet_cmd_gzip = GZIP $@
+ cmd_gzip = $(GZIP) $(GZIPFLAGS) $< -c > $@
+vmlinux.bin.gz: vmlinux.bin FORCE
+ $(call if_changed,gzip)
+# If you have a modified GPL kernel but are not redistributing
+# anything, use the two lines as gzcopy parameter:
+# -c "This software is not used outside the copyright owner company." \
+# -al "Copyright owner: " "<official name of owner of the patch>"
+# Gujin also accept one or more "Copyright owner: " line for GPL files,
+# take care of the space after the semicolon.
+# For instance: -al="Copyright owner: Linus Torvalds" \
+# Keep the license first, then Copyright/source location line(s),
+# the following line is copied to the Linux parameter line by the (provided)
+# linux_set_params function, so the (provided) function may or may not also
+# include last line (i.e. Gujin parameters) as kernel parameters.
+# Note that the command line given to LINUX shall not be empty,
+# keep at least one space in the "-al=" of $(LINUX_ROOT).
+# USAGE gzcopy "-as=" check/add a space, "-al=" check/add a newline
+# in between the current and the appended comment.
+quiet_cmd_params = PARAMS $@
+ cmd_params = scripts/gzcopy -f $< $@ -n=$@ \
+ -c="This software is distributed under the GPL license." \
+ -al="Its source code is at:"; \
+ -al="$(LINUX_ROOT) " -as="$(LINUX_PARAM)" \
+ -al="`scripts/gzparam`" \
+ -as="realfct_size=`size -Ax vmlinux | $(AWK) '/.realmode/{printf \$$2}'`" \
+ && echo "" \
+ && echo " `scripts/gzcopy -n0 $@` has been rebuilt with parameters:" \
+ && echo "`scripts/gzcopy -c0 $@`"
+# Gujin native bootable file: just type "make /boot/linux-2.6.13.kgz"
+# to get everything (but modules & initrd & initramfs) done.
+%.kgz : vmlinux.bin.gz scripts/gzparam scripts/gzcopy FORCE
+ $(call cmd,params)
# Utility to display the kernel compile time parameters
quiet_cmd_gzparam = HOSTCC $@
cmd_gzparam = $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -Wl,"-u __ERROR" -o $@ $<
@@ -991,7 +1051,7 @@ endif # CONFIG_MODULES
# Directories & files removed with 'make clean'
CLEAN_FILES += vmlinux \
- scripts/gzparam scripts/gzcopy \
+ vmlinux.bin vmlinux.bin.gz scripts/gzparam scripts/gzcopy \
.tmp_kallsyms* .tmp_version .tmp_vmlinux*
# Directories & files removed with 'make mrproper'
@@ -1075,6 +1135,8 @@ help:
@echo 'Other generic targets:'
@echo ' all - Build all targets marked with [*]'
@echo '* vmlinux - Build the bare kernel'
+ @echo ' /boot/linux.kgz ROOT=/dev/hda1 - replace "hda1" with your root filesystem'
+ @echo ' /boot/linux.kgz ROOT=auto - root filesystem from current /proc/cmdline'
@echo '* modules - Build all modules'
@echo ' modules_install - Install all modules'
@echo ' dir/ - Build all files in dir and below'
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