Re: [2.6 patch] remove support for gcc < 3.2

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On Fri, 2005-08-12 09:40:18 +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven <> wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Jan-Benedict Glaw wrote:
> > -sh-3.00# cat cpuinfo
> > cpu             : VAX
> > cpu type        : KA43
> > cpu sid         : 0x0b000006
> > cpu sidex       : 0x04010002
> > page size       : 4096
> > BogoMIPS        : 10.08
> > -sh-3.00# cat version
> > Linux version 2.6.12 (jbglaw@d2) (gcc version 4.1.0 20050803 (experimental)) #2 Wed Aug 3 23:42:11 CEST 2005
> Any change we will see this code in mainline?

That's the plan. We haven't publically talked about it yet, but we'd
probably like to present the code for review once we

	- have enough hardware supported. At least local SCSI drivers
	  for the most common machines should be available, as well as
	  network drivers. That's not yet the case.

	- have userspace working again. Currently, a very old gcc is
	  used. I'm working on uClibc (and thereafter GNU libc) in
	  conjunction with gcc-HEAD as time allows.

So yes, we want to show off the code, but we don't want to do that
publically and right now. There are still to many places where the code
needs some tidy-up (and be it whitespace and comment fixes), but
everybody is welcome to peek at our CVS repo
( or to join the mailing list

So if *you* are looking for some beginner's task to start with kernel
development, here you go! Oh, and SMP fun will hopefully start soon. A
machine is on the way and I hope it'll survive shipping :-)

VAX is also an interesting platform because it's another platform
offering TurboChannel slots. So if you're interested in those old Alphas
or DECstations, VAX is for you, too.


Jan-Benedict Glaw    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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