On Tue, 10 May 2005 16:08:30 +0800, KC said: > Instead of using Linux kconfig build system, can someone tell me > what's the compiler options used to build a device driver (.ko file) ? There's plenty of documentation on how to use 'make' to build an out-of-tree .ko. > Or, how can I integrate kconfig with GNU tool chain (automake, autoconf ...) First, describe the semantics. How the <bleep> is that ever "supposed to work"? automangle and friends are designed so you can configure userspace programs to run no matter what oddities the underlying system has. Kconfig is for actually describing the underlying system. At *best*, all you could do is use the .config variables to answer some of the "is XYZ present?" tests done in ./configure - but even *that* is Pigheaded And Wrong, because it will get it wrong if you're pulling hints from a kernel tree that doesn't match the running kernel, or if it's a new-ish feature that requires userspace library support that isn't installed on the system...
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