Re: Git-commits mailing list feed.

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Greg KH wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 08:24:36AM +0200, Jan Dittmer wrote:
>>David Woodhouse wrote:
>>>As of some time in the fairly near future, the bk-commits-head@vger mailing 
>>>list will be carrying real commits from Linus' live git repository, instead
>>>of just testing patches. Have fun.
>>What about the daily snapshots? Is there any eta when they'll be back?
> The script that generated this was posted previously on lkml.  If anyone
> wants to hack that up to generate the snapshots, it would be greatly
> appreciated.

I didn't found above mentioned post, so I hacked up a cruel script
myself. It relies on ketchup (
to retrieve the current base version. Also it requires git's
`checkout-cache --prefix=` to work properly.
On the top of the script are some basic configuration parameters.
No signing etc. is done. The script should be fairly robust - though
I wouldn't try to run it as root ;-).
Sample output can be found here: .
I attach the script and a modified ketchup version which allows retrieval
of these snapshots from above mentioned url. So `ketchup 2.6-git` gives
you the latest version.
The produced patch will create a file git-commit-id in the top-level
directory with the commit id used to create the patch.
Hope it helps - otherwise you could still point me to the post you


# ketchup v0.9-pre "self-contained corner case"
# Copyright 2004 Matt Mackall <[email protected]>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
# Usage:
# in an existing kernel directory, run:
#  ketchup <version>
# where version is a complete kernel version, or a branch name to grab
# the latest version

import re, sys, urllib, os, getopt, glob

def error(*args):
    sys.stderr.write("ketchup: ")
    for a in args:

def fancyopts(args, options, state, syntax=''):

    def help(state, opt, arg, options=options, syntax=syntax):
        print "Usage: ", syntax

        for s, l, d, c in options:
            opt=' '
            if s: opt = opt + '-' + s + ' '
            if l: opt = opt + '--' + l + ' '
            if d: opt = opt + '(' + str(d) + ')'
            print opt
            if c: print '   %s' % c

    if len(args) == 0:
        help(state, None, args)

    options=[('h', 'help', help, 'Show usage info')] + options
    for s, l, d, c in options:
        map['-'+s] = map['--'+l]=l
        state[l] = d
        dt[l] = type(d)
        if not d is None and not type(d) is type(help): s, l=s+':', l+'='      
        if s: short = short + s
        if l: long.append(l)

    if os.environ.has_key("KETCHUP_OPTS"):
        args = os.environ["KETCHUP_OPTS"].split() + args

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, short, long)
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        help(state, None, args)

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if dt[map[opt]] is type(help): state[map[opt]](state,map[opt],arg)
        elif dt[map[opt]] is type(1): state[map[opt]] = int(arg)
        elif dt[map[opt]] is type(''): state[map[opt]] = arg
        elif dt[map[opt]] is type([]): state[map[opt]].append(arg)
        elif dt[map[opt]] is type(None): state[map[opt]] = 1
    return args

try: kernel_url = os.environ["KETCHUP_URL"]
except: kernel_url = ''

try: archive = os.environ["KETCHUP_ARCH"]
except: archive = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.ketchup"

wget = "/usr/bin/wget"
if not os.path.exists(wget): wget = ""

gpg = "/usr/bin/gpg"
if not os.path.exists(gpg): gpg = ""

options = {}
opts = [
    ('a', 'archive', archive, 'cache directory'),
    ('d', 'directory', '.', 'directory to update'),
    ('f', 'full-tarball', None, 'if unpacking a tarball, download the latest'),
    ('g', 'gpg-path', gpg, 'path for GnuPG'),
    ('G', 'no-gpg', None, 'disable GPG signature verification'),
    ('k', 'kernel-url', kernel_url, 'base url for mirror'),
    ('l', 'list-trees', None, 'list supported trees'),
    ('m', 'show-makefile', None, 'output version in makefile <arg>'),
    ('n', 'dry-run', None, 'don\'t download or apply patches'),
    ('p', 'show-previous', None, 'output version previous to <arg>'),
    ('q', 'quiet', None, 'reduce output'),
    ('r', 'rename-directory', None, 'rename updated directory to linux-<v>'),
    ('s', 'show-latest', None, 'output the latest version of <arg>'),
    ('u', 'show-url', None, 'output URL for <arg>'),
    ('w', 'wget', wget, 'command to use for wget'),

args = fancyopts(sys.argv[1:], opts, options,
                 'ketchup [options] <ver>')

archive = options["archive"]
kernel_url = options["kernel-url"]
if options["no-gpg"]: options["gpg-path"] = ''

def qprint(*args):
    if not options["quiet"]:
        sys.stdout.write(" ".join(map(str, args)))

# Functions to parse version strings

def tree(ver):
    return float(re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+)', ver).group(1))

def rev(ver):
    p = pre(ver)
    r = int(re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)', ver).group(1))
    if p: r = r - 1
    return r

def pre(ver):
    try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-((rc|pre)\d+)', ver).group(2)
    except: return None

def post(ver):
    try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)', ver).group(1)
    except: return None

def pretype(ver):
    try: return re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-((rc|pre)\d+)', ver).group(3)
    except: return None

def prenum(ver):
    try: return int(re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+-((rc|pre)(\d+))', ver).group(4))
    except: return None

def prebase(ver):
    return re.match(r'(\d+\.\d+\.\d+((-(rc|pre)|\.)\d+)?)', ver).group(1)

def revbase(ver):
    return "%s.%s" % (tree(ver), rev(ver))

def base(ver):
    v = revbase(ver)
    if post(ver): v += "." + post(ver)
    return v

def forkname(ver):
    try: return re.match(r'\d+.\d+.\d+(\.\d+)?(-(rc|pre)\d+)?(-(\w+?)\d+)?',
    except: return None

def forknum(ver):
    try: return int(
    except: return None

def fork(ver):
    try: return re.match(r'\d+.\d+.\d+(\.\d+)?(-(rc|pre)\d+)?(-(\w+))?', ver).group(4)
    except: return None

def get_ver(makefile):
    """ Read the version information from the specified makefile """
    part = {}
    m = open(makefile)
    for l in m.readlines():
        for p in parts:
            try: part[p] = re.match(r'%s\s*=\s*(\S+)' % p, l).group(1)
            except: pass

    version = "%s.%s.%s" % tuple([part[p] for p in parts[:3]])
    x = part.get("EXTRAVERSION", "")

    if x != "" and x[0] != '-' and x[0] != '.': 
        version += '-'; """hack for ac tree"""
    version += x 
    return version

def compare_ver(a, b):
    Compare kernel versions a and b

    Note that -pre and -rc versions sort before the version they modify,
    -pre sorts before -rc, and -bk, -mm, etc. sort alphabetically.
    if a == b: return 0
    c = cmp(float(tree(a)), float(tree(b)))
    if c: return c
    c = cmp(rev(a), rev(b))
    if c: return c
    c = cmp(post(a), post(b))
    if c: return c
    c = cmp(pretype(a), pretype(b)) # pre sorts before rc
    if c: return c
    c = cmp(prenum(a), prenum(b))
    if c: return c
    c = cmp(forkname(a), forkname(b))
    if c: return c
    return cmp(forknum(a), forknum(b))

def last(url):
    for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():'(?i)<a href="(.*/)">', l)
        if m: n =
    return n

def latest_mm(url, pat):
    url = kernel_url + '/people/akpm/patches/2.6/'
    url += last(url)
    part = last(url)
    return part[:-1]

def latest_ac(url, pat):
    url = kernel_url + '/people/alan/linux-2.6/'
    url += last(url)
    for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():'(?i)<a href="patch-(.*)\.bz2">', l)
        if m: n =
    return n

def latest_26(url, pat):
    for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
        m ='"LATEST-IS-(.*)"', l)
        if m: p =
    return p

def latest_dir(url, pat):
    """Find the latest link matching pat at url after sorting"""
    p = []
    for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
        m ='"%s"' % pat, l)
        if m: p.append(

    if not p: return None

    return p[-1]

# mbligh is lazy and has a bunch of empty directories
def latest_mjb(url, pat):
    url = kernel_url + '/people/mbligh/'

    # find the last Linus release and search backwards
    l = [ find_ver('2.6'), find_ver("2.6-pre") ]
    linus = l[-1]

    p = []
    for l in urllib.urlopen(url).readlines():
        m ='"(2\.6\..*/)"', l)
        if m:
            v =
            if compare_ver(v, linus) <= 0:


    for ver in p:
        mjb = latest_dir(url + ver, pat)
        if mjb: return mjb

    return None

def latest_26_tip(url, pat):
    l = [ find_ver('2.6'), find_ver('2.6-bk'), find_ver('2.6-pre') ]
    return l[-1]

# latest lookup function, canonical url, pattern for lookup function,
#  signature flag, description
version_info = {
    '2.4': (latest_dir,
            kernel_url + "/v2.4" + "/patch-%(base)s.bz2",
            1, "old stable kernel series"),
    '2.4-pre': (latest_dir,
                kernel_url + "/v2.4" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
                1, "old stable kernel series prereleases"),
    '2.6': (latest_26,
            kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2", "",
            1, "current stable kernel series"),
    '2.6-rel': (latest_26,
            kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2", "",
            1, "current stable kernel series RELease"),
    '2.6-rc': (latest_dir,
                kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
                1, "current stable kernel series prereleases"),
    '2.6-pre': (latest_dir,
                kernel_url + "/v2.6" + "/testing/patch-%(prebase)s.bz2",
                1, "current stable kernel series prereleases"),
    '2.6-bk': (latest_dir,
               kernel_url + "/v2.6" +
               "/snapshots/patch-%(full)s.bz2", r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
               1, "current stable kernel series snapshots"),
    '2.6-git': (latest_dir,
               ""; +
               "patch-%(full)s.bz2", r'patch-(.*?).bz2',
               1, "test git snapshots"),
    '2.6-tip': (latest_26_tip, "", "", 1,
                "current stable kernel series tip"),
    '2.6-mm': (latest_mm,
               kernel_url + "/people/akpm/patches/" +
               "%(tree)s/%(prebase)s/%(full)s/%(full)s.bz2", "",
               1, "Andrew Morton's -mm development tree"),
    '2.6-ac': (latest_ac,
               kernel_url + "/people/alan/linux-%(tree)s/" +
               "%(prebase)s/patch-%(full)s.bz2", "",
               1, "Alan Cox's -ac development tree"),
    '2.6-tiny': (latest_dir,
                 1, "Matt Mackall's -tiny tree for small systems"),
    '2.6-mjb': (latest_mjb,
                 kernel_url + "/people/mbligh/%(prebase)s/patch-%(full)s.bz2",
                 1, "Martin Bligh's random collection 'o crap")

def version_url(ver, sign = 0):
    """ Return the URL for the patch associated with the specified version """
    b = "%.1f" % tree(ver)
    f = forkname(ver)
    p = pre(ver)

    s = b
    if f: s = "%s-%s" % (b, f)
    elif p: s = "%s-pre" % b

    if sign and options["no-gpg"]: return None
    if sign and not version_info[s][3]: return None
    v = {
        'full': ver,
        'tree': tree(ver),
        'base': base(ver),
        'prebase': prebase(ver)

    u = version_info[s][1] % v

    if sign: u += ".sign"
    return u

def patch_path(ver):
    return os.path.join(archive, os.path.basename(version_url(ver)))

def download(url, file):
    qprint("Downloading %s" % os.path.basename(url))
    if options["dry-run"]: return 1

    if not options["wget"]:
        p = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        if p.find("<title>404") != -1: return None
        open(file, 'w').write(p)
        e = os.system("%s -c -O %s %s" % (options["wget"],
                                          file+".partial", url))
        if e: return None
        os.rename(file+".partial", file)

    return 1

def trydownload(url, file):
    if download(url, file): return file

    # the jgarzik memorial hack
    url2 = re.sub("/snapshots/", "/snapshots/old/", url)
    if url2 != url:
        if download(url2, file): return file
        if url2[-4:] == ".bz2":
            f2 = file[:-4] + ".gz"
            url2 = url2[:-4] + ".gz"
            if download(url2, f2): return f2

    if url[-4:] == ".bz2":
        f2 = file[:-4] + ".gz"
        url2 = url[:-4] + ".gz"
        if download(url2, f2): return f2
    return None

def verify(signurl, file):
    if options["gpg-path"] and signurl and not options["dry-run"]:
        sf = file + ".sign"
        sf = trydownload(signurl, sf)
        if not sf:
            error("signature download failed")
            error("removing files...")
            return 0
        qprint("Verifying signature...")
        r = os.system("%s --verify %s %s" % (options["gpg-path"], sf, file))
        if r:
            error("gpg returned %d" % r)
            error("removing files...")
            return 0
    return 1

def get_patch(ver):
    """Return the path to patch for given ver, downloading if necessary"""
    f = patch_path(ver)
    if os.path.exists(f): return f
    if f[-4:] == ".bz2":
        f2 = f[:-4] + ".gz"
        if os.path.exists(f2): return f2

    url = version_url(ver)
    f = trydownload(url, f)
    if not f:
        error("patch download failed")

    if not verify(version_url(ver, 1), f):

    return f

def apply_patch(ver, reverse = 0):
    """Find the patch to upgrade from the predecessor of ver to ver and
    apply or reverse it."""
    p = get_patch(ver)

    r = ""
    if reverse: r = "-R"

    qprint("Applying %s %s" % (os.path.basename(p), r))
    if options["dry-run"]: return ver

    if p[-4:] == ".bz2":
        err = os.system("bzcat %s | patch -l -p1 %s > .patchdiag" % (p, r))
    elif p[-3:] == ".gz":
        err = os.system("zcat %s | patch -l -p1 %s > .patchdiag" % (p, r))
    else: err = os.system("patch -l -p1 %s < %s > .patchdiag" % (r, p))

    if err:
        error("patch %s failed: %d" % (p, err))

def install_nearest(ver):
    t = tree(ver)
    tarballs = glob.glob(archive + "/linux-%s.*.tar.bz2" % t)
    list = []

    for f in tarballs:
        m = re.match(r'.*/linux-(.*).tar.bz2$', f)
        v =
        d = abs(rev(v) - rev(ver))
        list.append((d, f, v))

    if not list or (options["full-tarball"] and list[0][0]):
        file = "linux-%s.tar.bz2" % ver
        url = "%s/v%s/%s" % (kernel_url, t, file)
        file = archive + "/" + file

        file = trydownload(url, file)
        if not file:
            error("Tarball download failed")
        if not verify(url + ".sign", file):
        file = list[0][1]
        ver = list[0][2]

    qprint("Unpacking %s" % os.path.basename(file))
    if options["dry-run"]: return ver

    err = os.system("tar xjf %s" % file)
    if err:
        error("Unpacking failed: ", err)

    err = os.system("mv linux*/* . ; rmdir linux*")
    if err:
        error("Unpacking failed: ", err)

    return ver

def find_ver(ver):
    if ver in version_info.keys():
        v = version_info[ver]
        for n in range(5):
            return v[0](os.path.dirname(v[1]), v[2])
            error('retrying version lookup for %s' % ver)
        return ver

def transform(a, b):
    if a == b:
#        qprint("Nothing to do!")
    qprint("%s -> %s" % (a, b))
    if not a:
        a = install_nearest(base(b))
    t = tree(a)
    if t != tree(b):
        error("Can't patch %s to %s" % (tree(a), tree(b)))
    if fork(a):
        apply_patch(a, 1)
        a = prebase(a)
    if prebase(a) != prebase(b):
        if pre(a):
            apply_patch(a, 1)
            a = base(a)

        if post(a) and post(a) != post(b):
            apply_patch(prebase(a), 1)
        ra, rb = rev(a), rev(b)
        if ra > rb:
            for r in range(ra, rb, -1):
                apply_patch("%s.%s" % (t, r), -1)
        if ra < rb:
            for r in range(ra + 1, rb + 1):
                apply_patch("%s.%s" % (t, r))
        a = revbase(b)

        if post(b) and post(a) != post(b):
            apply_patch(prebase(b), 0)
            a = base(b)

        if pre(b):
            a = prebase(b)

    if fork(b):
        a = apply_patch(b)

def rename_dir(v):
    """Rename the current directory to linux-v, where v is the function arg"""
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    basedir = os.path.dirname(cwd)
    newdir = os.path.join(basedir, "linux-" + v)
    if os.access(newdir, os.F_OK):
        error("Cannot rename directory, destination exists: %s", newdir);
    os.rename(cwd, newdir)

# Process args


if options["list-trees"]:
    l = version_info.keys()
    for tree in l:
        qprint(tree, ["(unsigned)","(signed)"][version_info[tree][3]])
        qprint(" " + version_info[tree][4])

elif options["show-makefile"] and len(args) < 2:
    if not args:

elif len(args) != 1:
    error("incorrect number of arguments")

elif options["show-latest"]:

elif options["show-url"]:

elif options["show-previous"]:
    v = find_ver(args[0])
    p = prebase(v)
    if p == v: p = base(v)
    if p == v:
        if rev(v) > 0: p = "%.1f.%s" % (tree(v), rev(v) -1)
        else: p = "unknown"

    if not os.path.exists(options["archive"]):
        qprint("Creating cache directory", options["archive"])

    try: a = get_ver('Makefile')
    except: a = None
    b = find_ver(args[0])
#    qprint("%s -> %s" % (a, b))
    transform(a, b)
    if options["rename-directory"] and not options["dry-run"]:


Description: application/shellscript

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