Re: Regarding Get Fedora page

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On 5/25/2010 12:54 PM, Jud Craft wrote:
> I'm sorry if I'm late to the party or this has been previously
> explained, but I can't see anything related to it in Fedora-list,
> -devel, -desktop, or -advisory.  So here goes.
> What happened to the Get Fedora page?  It was beautiful.  Now it's a
> big ugly pile of links in a strange link-map that hides half the
> options, and I can't find a mention of torrents anywhere.  What
> happened to the big master list of all image download links?
> looks great, but the main download page has
> greatly regressed compared to F12.
> [I just found the Fedora bittorrent page by googling.  Glad I found them.]
After reading most of the rest of this long thread: I agree with many 
users that the "Get Fedora" page was confusing and frustrating; I agree 
with the people who were apparently involved with its design (Thanks, by 
the way!) that the level of acrimony and personal attacks is entirely 
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