Re: Baffled by a Cable Modem

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On 06/18/2009 03:33 PM, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 18:21:14 -0600,
   Frank Cox<theatre@xxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 18:54:02 -0500
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

Will the modem give the same IP address to another NIC after the
lease has expired, or after you power-cycle the modem?
I'm not entirely sure of the answer to that.  I know that power-cycling the
modem doesn't change anything in that regard, and further than that I've never
asked about.  If I need a modem reset I just call the NOC with the serial
number on the modem, the modem lights go off for a few seconds, and when it
comes back the reset is complete.
If you think the mac address is the problem you should be able to test that
theory by setting the mac address of the linux box to match the windows box
and see if that gets things working.

Add a line like the following to the ifcfg-eth? file (and you may need to
be running the network service as I don't know if network manager uses
that info):


Except you want to use the mac address of the windows box.

You'll want the windows box off the network when you try this.

You will also want to comment out the HWADDR=<something>  line, or
you may get strange results.


On the Cable Modem find the reset button and push on it and do a reset.
This will clear out any previous MAC addresses and it will accept new MAC numbers.

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