[FWW] method for minimum install

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Not sure if I'm asking a question or trying to start a flame war here, but, about four hours ago, I was getting a net install (PPC) of Fedora 9 going and needed to go to the store for the wife, so I thought I'd be sensible for a change and not install the kitchen sink, and wait until the base system was running before I started messing with the package manager.

So I de-selected desktop, developer's, and server general sets from the quick selection screen in the install, left it to customize after the install, hit the start button, and went to the store. When I got back, it was installing 889 packages.

Is 889 packages a minimal install?

Is de-selecting all the general sets not a minimal install? Why? Where is the minimal install button? Why?

Can I file a bug on this as a vote for a real minimal install option without having to go into the screens for selecting and de-selecting individual package?

And, really, seriously, why on earth is that IP-trap tomboy in any of the default installs? I was shocked that it was in the i386 live CD, but in PPC, too? In what ought to be a minimal install? At least I don't see any evidence of f-spot or whatever that silly photo "manager" was. (Not sure why rhythmbox and the video player have to be in there, either, but at least they don't have mono.)

No, really. Fedora is not a part of the Novell microcosm. Fedora is trying to be clean with licenses, right? Where is the logic in allowing a single pseudo-text editor of questionable general utility to drag in the taint of mono? (I suppose it would hurt less if I could remove it without having to have access to the repositories.)

No, I really don't want to start a flame war. But I would like to know the logic of this. Why are Tomboy and mono considered more "default" or more important or whatever than, say, parted and the LVM volume manager?

And why isn't there a true minimal install without going through and hand-de-selecting stuff?

I suppose, when I calm down, I'll now have to go start playing with rawhide and join the developers list and learn how to write code to fix this junk, but, haven't they had a Carly Simon moment on this -- a "What on earth was I think of?" moment?

Joel Rees

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