Re: Yum-presto test repository closed

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Arrrghhhhh.... valent *extends*middle*pinger to your ex site provider
- Site5. I heard bad things from other people also... most of this
shared companies are just a bunch of greedy bastards.

my 2

What do you need for hosting? Maybe I can work something out. I work
for a ISP in Croatia. What kind of storage and bandwidth are we
talking about?


On 6/8/07, Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It is with great regret that I announce the closing of the yum-presto
test repository located at

Our web host provider, Site5, has unilaterally deleted all of the
deltarpms hosted on our site without warning. They believe we were in
violation of their Terms of Service because we were making a local
mirror of the Fedora repository (even though there's nothing in the TOS
about mirroring, and the mirror wasn't accessible from the web).

I suspect that the real reason Site5 has killed the repository has more
to do with the fact that we were using ~70GB of our 110GB hard drive
space.  As most of you know, a shared hosting plan only works if nobody
uses the space they've paid for.

The actual yum-presto plugin still works fine, and we are moving forward
towards making F8 presto-enabled by default.  I very much doubt that the
Fedora Project will create deltarpms for FC6 and F7, though.

If you were using the yum-presto test repository, please disable the
line that starts with "deltaurl="; and
yum will start to work correctly again.

I sincerely apologize to those of you who, like me, depended on this
test repository to minimize download size.  If I can find an alternate
provider who is willing to work with me rather than against me, I will
try to bring the test repository back up.

Jonathan Dieter

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