Re: dhcp issue

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On 9/2/06, Gbenga Shobowale <gshobowale@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I just upgrade to FC5 before then I had 2 NIC in one with static IP
and other on DHCP, however after the upgrade my machine can't seem to
up up an IP from the modem...I Check the card its configured properly
and the one with a static IP works fine...I put the link on a windows
machine and it work..hence I think FC is having a problem with
DHCP..any ideas anyone?


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Hi Gbenga Shobowale!

My first thought is that your DHCP client is not looking at the eth1
interface.  It shows a few packets recieved apparently less than half
responded to.  Probably being queried by the server but with no DHCP
client looking not responded to.

Here is how to look arround a bit - -

At the moment (I am working on it right now) I do not have an FC5 box
in the house so perhaps the way I found where some things are will be
of help:

As root do an "updatedb".  This may take some time, all files are
being catalogued.

Then look for 'dhclient.conf":

tod@tod-desktop:/var/lib/dhcp3$ locate dhclient.conf

Note the man page available for dhclient.conf!!

Now lets find the leases:

tod@tod-desktop:/etc/dhcp3$ locate leases
tod@tod-desktop:/etc/dhcp3$ /var/lib/dhcp3/

Running "cat" (print to screen) on all of the above showed them blank
(due to a nasty IPv6-dns problem I run static).  So for you I used
Ubuntu's System > Administration > Networking tool to set eth0 to use
DHCP.  I also used "sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf" (sudo obtains root
priviledges for what comes after) to edit out my local DSL modem's
nameserver (the IPv6 thing).

Now a differant result (note: X's in the IP's for privacy):

tod@tod-desktop:/var/lib/dhcp3$ cat dhclient.leases
lease {
 interface "eth0";
 fixed-address 192.168.X.X;
 option subnet-mask;
 option routers 192.168.X.X;
 option dhcp-lease-time 86400;
 option dhcp-message-type 5;
 option domain-name-servers 192.168.X.X,;
 option dhcp-server-identifier 192.168.X.X;
 option domain-name "domain.actdsltmp";
 renew 0 2006/9/3 05:30:41;
 rebind 0 2006/9/3 14:48:15;
 expire 0 2006/9/3 17:48:15;

Well, that will probably get you started.

Good Hunting!


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