Re: GRUB Boot Menu

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On 8/28/06, Iwan Setyawan <iwan.s.milis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I use mainly FC5, but I tried other distro's from time to time. Recently I
installed Open SUSE 10.1, and one thing that really caught my eyes is the
cool GRUB boot menu, which, IMHO looks much nicer than the one in FC5. Is it
possible to make/install a similar menu?


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Hi Iwan!

I have read that SUSE uses a modified GRUB to do what you see:

Now messing with GRUB is dangerous stuff.  If you have an old computer
around it would be interesting to see if a SUSE GRUB could launch FC5
(I do not see why not) and if the splash graphics could be changed out
to Fedora.

Probably could be done without too much trouble.

Please let me know if you do, I am working on a "Boot Camp"
presentation for our local LUGs and this would be in interesting bit!



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