Re: What is the language "British"?

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On 8/28/06, Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
David Fletcher wrote:
> On Monday 28 August 2006 15:02, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> They are not the same in the context of language.  "English" is a
>> language while (whilst) "British-English" is regional.  In
>> "British-English" defense is written "defence".
> I think you've got it the wrong way around. "Defence" is the correct spelling.

Both are correct.

> In the American regional variation "defence" is written "defense". It's not
When you all say American, you mean US and Canada or only US, as lot
of US guys "think" that America is from Canada to Mexico (including
alaska, Hawaii and others), while actually America is from Alaska to
Tierra del fuego in Argentina.

> the standard way of spelling the word, but it is a fact that many things we
> do don't conform to the recognised standard. For instance millions around the
> world use the $soft .doc format to store office documents. We all know that
> Open Document Format is the ISO standard but people still choose not to
> conform.

There is no such thing as "correct" and "incorrect" when it comes to
comparing "British English" with "American English.  Colour=Color.  One
is the correct spelling in "British English" the other is the correct
spelling in "American English".

Why is it that one side has to be "correct/right" and the other side
"incorrect/wrong".  I don't get it.

Some folks refer to the box structure that goes up and down on cables
within a building as an "elevator".  Others call it a "lift".  Both are

Coach "Bear" Bryant: "Who in the hell is that?"
High School Coach: "That there is Forrest Gump, coach -
Just the local idiot"

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