Re: TurboTax - Linux?

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-----Original Message-----
From: "Scot L. Harris" <webid@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Feb 17, 2005 7:41 AM
To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: TurboTax - Linux?

>I think they have re-thought the copy protection they tried last year. 
>However the browser issue came up this year.  There was an earlier
>thread end of last month or first week of this month discussing the
>browser problem.  Personally I don't like the browser tax option much
>and would not use it even if it did work with firefox.  

I think that Intuit (which is just up the road from where I live) has rethough which browsers and Operating Systems they will support with the Web product.  It is my opinion, they thought that Linux implemented browser support differently.  My knowledge says that is incorrect as I work with web based interfaces (otherwise known as Human-Machine Interfaces) on a daily basis.  I have to support:
Netscape 7.2
Firefox 1.x
as these can and do get used.  I've seen almost no difference in functionality between Netscape 7.2, Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 1.0 because the HTML rendering engine is almost the same between the three.

>These kinds of decisions have alienated a number of people.  Last year
>many moved to taxcut software and probably won't be back.  Bad customer
>feelings last much longer than the reverse.  Once lost it is extremely
>hard to regain customers over something this silly.  

Many have moved away from Tax Software completely and into the offices of folks like H&R Block.  This way they don't have to deal with inputting information, it costs almost the same to have H&R (and other companies) do the work and believe it or not, you have an "Iron Clad" garuntee that they did it right.  In any case, this is not helping the Linux community to get support for a "box" tax product solution.  We definately need one.  As I stated in a prior message, lack of tax software that is easy to use, supported and has a 'if we goofed, we pay' garuntee is the ONLY reason that I still have Windows98SE installed on my computer at home.  Get this fixed, and Windows (and its 25 GB of space) goes bye-bye.

So, is anyone out there up to the task of producing a commercial Windows killer?

I'm even willing to put my system at risk to test it.

And I have an extensive background with the U.S. Tax Code.

>Look at this thread.  Based on several users experience many many people
>reading this will most likely choose NOT to use turbotax and will seek
>out alternatives.

Again, if one exists, I don't know about it.  I cannot get to TurboTax for Windows through my financial company.  Yes, I get the 'your browser is not supported' message, but it is my financial company's, not Intuit's.

>Given sufficient time, what you put off doing today will get done by itself. 

And if it was your task to do at work, so does your job. Which means that you get to visit the Unemployment Office (I don't know the International term, but if someone does know, send it OFF-LIST0


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