Re: Let us call this something else. {formally Fedora 3 sucks)

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akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

We may be all involved in Fedora Development in some way but not in the same way. There are some that are more equal than others. It is my position that any program that is distributed on the CD-s of a Fedora distribution is fair game to be discussed on the list both positively and negatively.

Fair enough, people should be able to make negative criticisms about the packages in the FC3 distro. However, blanket statements that FC3 sucks without ever reading any documentation or searching for a solution to the problem on the Internet is not constructive criticism, it is laziness.

I had a problem getting Samba running through iptables on FC3.
- I had two options, post to the list and say FC3 sucks
- or go to and read the howto first
- I chose to go to first, and low and behold I found the solution to my problem. It is a known issue, but there are ways to resolve it by just adjusting a few settings. I can even totally resolve it if I set my Linux box up as the domain master for the samba network. Now I have no trouble accessing my network shares in nautilus.

I see a lot of blanket FC3 sucks on this list all the time, and I am a new to intermediate user myself. I don't know all the commands, I use the gui to configure almost everything, I only know how to edit a very few of the system files, but I get by. I get by reading documentation, reading the message list, searching on google, going to, going to, going to the web site of the package maker,,,,, etc...

Of all the types of software available on the Internet, Open Source, GNU/LINUX software has the most free documentation available on the Internet. Yes there are definate issues in Fedora that need to be addressed, if a person has tried to find the answer on the web and couldn't find it, then by all means they should post to the list about their problem. They should also check bugzilla and see if the problem is already known or not. But if they are having problems getting something running and they just post to the list FC3 sucks because my java doesn't work. Even as a new user I get annoyed with these people for not even reading anything about a way to possibly solve the problem. I use suns jdk/jre rpm from their site and I haven't had any issues with web based java, but I also know there are packages available from jpackage as shown on that have been better tested with Fedora to work with java based software. I know this because I read up on it on a website with detailed information provided for free.

Someone who is new to Linux may post to the list saying "help new linux user, not sure what to do", I don't mind these people, they aren't being jerks by saying FC3 sucks, they are just new, they don't know where to look for help. In a case of someone who is just new we can point them to different places on the net where they can find the answer and even give them the answer they are looking for. But these FC3 sucks people are just trying to encourage everyone to hate them. Yes constructive criticism is useful to the group, and it furthers the product itself, and I even like reading some of the technical arguments that start up on the list, but these are constructive arguments where both sides have taken the time to at least look up some of the information on the Internet. The "FC3 sucks" people are just trying to start a flame war.


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