Re: OT Why is everyone so grouchy?

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Thomas Cameron wrote:
It's the anonymity of the keyboard.

Example - A list member is in the store and someone walks up and asks
"Do you know where the tomatoes are at?"  I can't imagine that list
member would yell so everyone in the store could hear "What are you,
STUPID?!?  Don't you know that you don't end a sentence with a
preposition?  And besides, the store map is right up there at the front
of the store - look there for for where the tomatoes are!  SHEESH, the
NERVE of some people!!!"

But that same list member, cozy behind their keyboard, will publicly
shred some poor newbie for top posting, posting in HTML, posting a
question about something that has been asked before or some other
alleged breach of "netiquette."  Never mind that in almost every case,
the person posting is asking for help and is so new that they couldn't
possibly know about "the rules."  I mean, come on - do these self-
appointed "list police" really think that they are helping in any
constructive way?


Now let's please get back to helping each other with Fedora issues, not
flaming each other over everything else, OK?

I agree with most of this (and let's please lose the politics too whilst we're at it), but netiquette is there for a reason and I don't see any harm in explaining that to people, whilst *also* trying to help them with their query at the same time. That way, they feel OK because they're getting the help and may be more receptive to the netiquette advice. Which is good, isn't it?


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