Re: Fedora Core 2 - Can't get mail, download or browse web pages

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Steven P. Ulrick wrote:

Here's the problem: to all appearances, I can (using Kppp) connect to
the internet like always have.  I even can "connect" at the speeds that
I usually connect at (45333 and 49000)  Problem is, I cannot load any
web pages (I've tried Konqueror, Mozilla and Lynx) or get my mail

Here are a few lines from when I ran "ping" on my internet providers
address, followed by the summary line:

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=89.7 ms
--- ping statistics ---
112 packets transmitted, 111 received, 0% packet loss, time 111137ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 84.994/92.441/307.962/21.718 ms, pipe 2

As you can see, all of the packets were received.

Also, as an experiment, I chose to not configure a firewall.  This had
no effect on the problem.  Still can't load websites or check mail.

OK, if you can ping your ISP then the connection's OK. There are still a couple of simple things to check

1) Can you ping an IP address other than your ISP? If not then the problem is probably that your default gateway hasn't been set.

When you are connected run "/sbin/route -n" and check that there is a default gatway entry. For your system there should be an entry which reads (the second IP address should match the IP at the ISP end of your ppp connection):      UG   0    0     0 ppp0

If this isn't, there then that's your problem. This should be added by ppp when you connect, but you can try manually adding it with

/sbin/route add default gw

2) If you can ping an external IP address, can you ping an address by name? If not then it's probably a DNS problem.

When you're connected check /etc/resolv.conf and see that there are some nameserver entries. Check these against your working configuration and see if there's anything different.

Hope this gets you a bit further.


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